Friday, November 23, 2012

Wet season

Otherwise known as chunkaaa season.  It's hot, so hot.  You might associate immense heat with losing weight but for the second (and I could argue 3rd year in a row since I was here for half wet season 2011), I am gaining weight because it's too hot to move.  It's 94 and humid every single day with tropical sun beating down.  I still get hungry so I still eat, but my lunch time walks have been replaced with sitting and avoiding the outdoors.  I go to the gym, but what I do in the gym is 90% of my exercise for the whole day, I dont move otherwise.  Same routine everyday:  go to work, complain about how cold the AC is.  Lunch, instead of walking, I go home and eat at my house since it is not acceptable to go back to work smelling and soaked in sweat.  After work I go to the gym and then usually Jason and I will walk around Bayview (like 2 miles).  Then I will eat and sit on couch and complain about how hot it is til I go to bed.  In the morning, I complain about having a headache and my nose being permanently crusty from being in constant air conditioning.  The cycle is vicious!  Luckily, I have something to complain about at all times :-P

Anyway, in heat like this you need to drink a lot of water, which is something I am not particularly good at.  Considering I am a chunkaaa, I thought I would start drinking the spicy lemonade shit I drank on the master cleanse without the maple syrup (so basically lemon water and cayenne pepper).  The lemon is supposed to be cleansing while the cayenne jump starts your metabolism.  While I still down this shit all day long, I know it's a bunch of BS.  I will tell you why:  1.  When I did Master Cleanse back in Jan 07, they said on day 2 you would start experiencing hot poop, which meant your body was ridding itself of toxins which apparently burned on their exit (must be super toxic). Or it could be the cayenne pepper that I guzzled all day because I am in no way currently cleansing (last night's dinner was wine and velveeta for thanksgiving) but I am pooping hot!  UGH so naive!  ALSO, they sell this spicy sizzle syrup here in bottles marketed as "cleansing lemonade" which I paid $3 for a couple weeks ago.  It was the same shit!  $3 for a small ass bottle that tasted like ass. SCAM.  But why I am I still drinking this damn drink?  I will never learn.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am peacing out of the shit hole for 6 WHOLE WEEKS, leaving on Dec 5th.  I am going to Singapore and then HOME.  Just 12 days away!  Ok, I know this post sucks but I am tired as shit and half sleeping.  No proof reading so apologize in advance for the rants.  Tomorrow is celebrating thanksgiving and since we cant get an actual turkey I am making a giant whole fish.  Idk wtf I am doing.  lololol