Ok, who knows about this because I def didnt! 2 nights ago Jason and I are walking around Bayview as we do every night. We both noticed something on a rock near the water (same spot where we get the crabs, action hot spot). I think wtf is that. It looks like a fish, but it has legs! And it's breathing air! It's a fish lizard! Jason goes to get a closer look, and all of a sudden there are like 5 of these fish lizards! Omfg! They see us and run/swim away - cant tell which they are really doing because they look like they are running on the water, not putting their heads in! Obvs I was freaked out and immediately went home and googled this mysterious fish lizard. Well, it's called a mudskipper - which I had heard people talking about here before but never bothered to ask what it was. It's technically a fish, and those "legs" are technically fins that have evolved into leg looking things. They breathe air 75% of the time, but can also breathe water! Holy shit! Will all fish soon walk on land?! lololol. Seriously though, this fish lizard is apparently common in tropical muddy waters - just another reason why living in the tropics is freaky.
Full swing back in Darwin these days. My legs are covered in bites from bugs I never see. I am constantly itchy and when I try to shave, my legs bleed. It's real sex appeal. Air conditioner is broken still until further notice, so def no making those cake pops! Looks like we will be moving in July so I have decided to just work for the temp agency for the time being while trying to save money. If I get a full time job in Darwin, I am going to have to stay here for another year and the thought of it pains me. I just want out. So temping it is. I start monday (I hope). Either that or I am trying to get hired as a tutor at the university. It's a pretty crappy university, so I am hoping they take me hahaha. Ants are in full force too. I have been spraying their trails so now they have dispersed to other locations in the apartment looking for new trail locations. I think this is even worse, instead of confining them to one trail, now these explorer ants are all over the place -- one ant here and one ant there. 6 MORE MONTHS!