Wednesday, September 19, 2012

While I'm at it!

Might as well take this opportunity to rant about how much I hate facebook!  OMG is every single one of my FB friends having a fucking child?!  Goodness gracious!  I AM SO SICK OF BABY PICTURES!  I dont like babies, I do not care.  50 photos of your new born is not necessary.  The baby looks exactly the same in every pic!  Keep the babies to yourself!

Buzz I'm going through all your private stuff, you better come out and pound me!

First off, I am using the world's worst mini computer, so please excuse any typos in advance.  the keyboard barely works on this POS.  Second, re: entry title, Jason literally shouted 10 mins ago "I am in the laundry room, putting things in the drier and not paying attention!"  Obvs he knew I was going to to tell him to get away and let me handle this.  Now he is passed out.  Just as well, this wee khas been 'military martial arts training.'  He is tiring out now, but earlier in the week was not easy for me!  A lot of "stand there and I am going to attack you."  me, "no."  him, "but baaaaabe, I need to practice."  And then I am attacked. 

So anyways, I know I am blogging less lately, but super stressed out!  So much is going on...  Wednesday is my last day of work, which feels like could not come at a worse time!  As I mentioned, my jobwas not able to sponsor my work visa, so I have to file for a partner visa with jason.  Blah blah due to visa complications, I have to stop working at thisjob for one month (as you can see, the space bar is particularly problematic).  Maybe I could have found another job to sponsor, but I like this job and I want to stay working there.  Therefore, I have to abide by visa rules and take a month's break before I apply for partner visa.  During the month, I have to temp -- 1. because the visa is expensive, and 2. to have more money for xmas USA trip :)  Obvs this is stressful! I have a job that I am really involved in but I CANT work there, and instead of working, having to temp when mind is on current job.  so weird.  In good news, when I return, I am getting promoted (FINGERS CROSSED).  It needs to go through the levels of approval, so we'll see...

Next obvious stress is the VISA.  Dun dun DUUUUUN!  It is just one month from application time.  I will take pics of my visa app soon.  IT'S A BINDER already.  enormous fucking document that basically tells Jason's and my life stories.  Every single thing possible to prove that we are in a "genuine and committed relationship," which mostly means "how do you share your money?"  Do we have joint assets, how do we support each other, who pays what bill, etc etc.  It's super romantic.

Finally,I am absolutely DYING to move!  We are supposed to be moving in Nov, on top of all thisother stuff!  My apt complex is sstill horrific, last weekened drunk assholes threw RAW SAUSAGE LINKS from their 4th floor balcony into the parking lot.  About 3lbs of raw sausages landed on cars and exploded everywhere.  Keep in mind, it's 90 degrees everyday and it was a sunday morning.  some cars didnt move til monday to go to work, BAD SURPRISE.  Additionally, although I dont mention itoften, we still have a roommate.  He's ok, but we are really anxious to live alone.  Oh AND, Jason's dad is coming this weekend from India.  I have never met him before and only seen him on skype once, so should be loads of fun.  jason hasnt seen him in 3 years... he iscoming for 2 days.  wont be awkward at all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"You are so not from Australia"

I am away for work again this week, but this time I am not out bush.  I am about 250 miles south of Darwin in a town called Katherine.  Katherine has even more backpackers than Darwin, so obvs I dont like it.  Anyway, out bush you normally have to stay in a shared house or something, but here I am in a real hotel.  A coworker of mine was here for just one night last night, so we decided to have dinner in the hotel.  I came home, watched tv etc.  Around 11pm I was getting ready for bed and about to go pee. I walked into the bathroom with the light off and thought, omg it looks like something is on the toilet!  Obvs I thought it was poo or something but when I turned the light on I saw new friend had snuck in!  I spazzed!  I had left my friend over an hour before and she was going straight to bed, so I couldnt call her for help.  I called Jason in Darwin panicking, to which he was like WTF.  "It's harmless, just pick it up and put it outside."  Uhhh, have you met me?! I def am not picking up a frog...

Anyway, I couldnt get this fucker to move, and I had to pee bad.  I contemplated going pee in the shower and locking the frog in the bathroom for the night til  I noticed the big gap under the bathroom door.  No, then I would be freaking out all night that the frog was going to leap on me in my sleep. I was forced to remove the frog myself.  I ended up nudging him with a shoe on the menu in the room.  He was very reluctant to move!  Once I got him onto the menu, I carried him outside and he just chilled there.  He was in the same spot when I checked on him 15 mins later. 

Anyway, my friend stopped by to say goodbye to me today and I was all, "OMG you are not going to believe what happened to me last night!! On my toilet there was a......." Her: "what, frog?"  I said how do you know?!  "Did you pick it up and put it outside?"  Uhhh, kinda....  "You are so not from Australia."  LOL

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

back in action next week

Everything has been getting in the way of me blogging lately!  Broken computer (3 weeks in the shop), last week out bush,  last weekend camping (yes, CAMPING), etc etc.  I am away again next week for work, but this time I will be taking personal laptop with me so I can blog!  Expect to hear my thoughts on life next week :-P