Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"You are so not from Australia"

I am away for work again this week, but this time I am not out bush.  I am about 250 miles south of Darwin in a town called Katherine.  Katherine has even more backpackers than Darwin, so obvs I dont like it.  Anyway, out bush you normally have to stay in a shared house or something, but here I am in a real hotel.  A coworker of mine was here for just one night last night, so we decided to have dinner in the hotel.  I came home, watched tv etc.  Around 11pm I was getting ready for bed and about to go pee. I walked into the bathroom with the light off and thought, omg it looks like something is on the toilet!  Obvs I thought it was poo or something but when I turned the light on I saw new friend had snuck in!  I spazzed!  I had left my friend over an hour before and she was going straight to bed, so I couldnt call her for help.  I called Jason in Darwin panicking, to which he was like WTF.  "It's harmless, just pick it up and put it outside."  Uhhh, have you met me?! I def am not picking up a frog...

Anyway, I couldnt get this fucker to move, and I had to pee bad.  I contemplated going pee in the shower and locking the frog in the bathroom for the night til  I noticed the big gap under the bathroom door.  No, then I would be freaking out all night that the frog was going to leap on me in my sleep. I was forced to remove the frog myself.  I ended up nudging him with a shoe on the menu in the room.  He was very reluctant to move!  Once I got him onto the menu, I carried him outside and he just chilled there.  He was in the same spot when I checked on him 15 mins later. 

Anyway, my friend stopped by to say goodbye to me today and I was all, "OMG you are not going to believe what happened to me last night!! On my toilet there was a......." Her: "what, frog?"  I said how do you know?!  "Did you pick it up and put it outside?"  Uhhh, kinda....  "You are so not from Australia."  LOL

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