Friday, July 10, 2009

Can I get the veggie burrito?

There are no Czech vegetarians. Yes, I am going to make that bold statement before I even get there. Apparently Czech cuisine is all about roast pork, sauerkraut, and some boiled bread dumpling that is sliced and served with meat juice. Oh, and tripe too! Tripe soup is supposed to be popular. Even if I was a meat-eater, these things are less than appetizing to me. Ok, I'll just come out with it, Czech food sounds nasty!! There is only one vegetarian dish named in Lonely Planet: smazeny syr (fried cheese!). LP advises me to eat at a Chinese food restaurant if I want to go out. My only hope is dessert! There are crepes and fruit filled dumplings with chocolate and ice cream. Ughh, I just did a google search for Czech restaurants around Boston because I was curious to check out the menus. The closest one is in Killington, VT!! That is not close! I guess there isn't a huge demand for houskove knedliky (the boiled dumpling) around here. Plus this place seemed pretty Americanized -- I mean, they had spinach dip on the menu. I will be sure to post a review and photos of my first authentic Czech meal when I get there.

The poll has closed. Prague beat out Istanbul 7-5. I would have been pretty surprised if Istanbul had won, considering it has never been mentioned as a possibilty before I threw that poll up. We were considering going there instead for about a week. I read some places that we may be able to find jobs easier, then I read some other places that we wouldn't. Pretty much the same as the Prague research. Anyway, the main draws were the awesome weather - 85 and sunny everyday - and being near the water. But we are sticking to Prague! The voters have spoken and this is where we'll go ;-)

The weather continues to suck here in MA. It rains every single day. And it's cold! Low 70s, cloudy skies everyday. I hate it. Weather has a strong effect on me, and the type we've been having here makes me want to sleep...all the time.

Already mentioned some Czech words today, but just to recap, they are:
smazeny syr = fried cheese
houskove knedliky = weird dumpling

1 comment:

  1. I was a vegetarian when I visited Prague about 6 years ago. We found this fast food mexican place that was near our hostel, pretty delish. I will try to remember the name...
