Another twist. We are now considering going to Seoul, yes even though we have tickets to Prague. There are several pluses and minuses for both cities, but it comes down to money and job security, unfortunately. So! For those of you paying attention, we were first going to Spain, then Prague, Istanbul, and now Seoul! We keep moving east. Before you know it, we'll be planning on California and then Boston. Hopefully we actually leave! Everything is up in the air now. First step is to apply to schools and see what happens. We are running out of time!
One major plus to Seoul is there are yogurt places there. I know at least Red Mango for sure. I miss Yogurtland so much!! It was in my life for too brief of a time! And now I am miserable without it. So if I could enjoy Red Mango in Seoul, it might ease some of the pain. It's def no Yogurtland. I mean, they had Mother's Cookies there for crying out loud! How do you get any better than that?!
Here is a pic of my last delicious yogurt from you know where. Sigh...
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