Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you

Whoops!  It's been a month since I've updated again :-/  Life has been crazy busy this summer, so I when I have some free time it is hard to juggle blogging and catching up on episodes of True Blood and J Shore (speaking of, Angelina is so annoying she makes me almost not want to watch it, almost).  Usual stuff has been happening over here, drinking soju and eating kimchee sums up a lot of nights.  Life is pretty good and time is flying by!  Hard to believe I only have 4 months left in Korea.  4 months in Korea seems short, 4 months at my job seems brutal!  Although, when thinking about it, things are infinitely better than when I started.  I actually have several really good friends at work now, which makes the long days so much easier to bear.  I guess that's a perk of one year contracts, people are always coming and going.  Hmm, what else?  Vacation in Malaysia was amazing.  I can't wait to get back to SE Asia this winter.

Anyway, on to the kids.  The elementary students are on break from their regular schools this month, so they have been so much better behaved than usual.  A lot of them are actually taking some time off, which makes me dread September when they are all coming back!  Kindergarten boys have been really into showing their penises lately since they discovered in the bathroom one day that Kenneth, who was born in America, is circumcised.   It was like the biggest news ever.  Kenneth's mom had to call the school and ask that the kids stop teasing him about it.  Interestingly enough, Kenneth was found under the table a few days later showing it to Matthew.  He is one of my favorite kids, and I HATED him at first.  He is so intelligent it's shocking, but super emotional at the same time.  He is always sputtering out things like, "Please be patient with me while I hand out the books.  You need to learn patience, wait your turn."  Keep in mind this kid is 6 and English is his second language.  He can also draw incredibly detailed maps of the world, including all major cities from Paris, to Washington DC, to Ho Chi Min.  Awesome kid.

I am going to post a bunch of their writing, but it's too much to include in an email posting.  So...actually go to the blog if you want to read some of their brilliance!  BTW - the blog address is


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