Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like... nothing!

Never before have I ever been so unaware of the holiday season, and I HATE it! I think it is a combination of living in the tropics and, for the first time in my life, being around absolutely no Americans.  I was skype chatting with my good friend Scott today around 7pm when I realized that before hanging up, I should wish him a Happy Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving is TOMORROW!  I didn't even think about it!  Seriously?  I forgot Thanksgiving??  I could never have previously imagined a world so strange that lil chunkaaa's favorite holiday would approach almost unnoticed, but behold, it has happened!  Turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pie!!! All out of sight, out of mind!  So now I am sitting here at 11pm wondering what to do.  Do I prepare my own mini Thanksgiving feast tomorrow?  Do go on with my day and play Mario Kart as usual?  Do I even want to eat  all that savory delicious food when it's 95 and 90% humidity?  (BTW - I am not making up that humidity percentage.  If you're like me, you prolly didn't even realize 90 and 100% humidity ratings were possible, but they are.  Proof:  So much to think about, but I am leaning towards the unthinkable and just not eating the feast this year.  Am I still thankful without the food?

For those I haven't completely filled in, I am living in Darwin, Australia -- been here almost 4 weeks.  Google map it and you will see how close it is to the equator and that this extreme heat isn't because it's summer in the southern hemisphere-- it's like this all year.  However, the weather changes slightly from wet season, "the wet" as the locals say, to dry season.  Obvs it rains all the time during the wet, which begins in November and runs til about April, so perfect timing! One super cool plus to wet season are lightening storms!  Darwin is famous for having insane lightening.  I live near the water and can watch it strike over the ocean.  It's very, very awesome.

Christmas is not quite the same, either.  Since there is no Thanksgiving or another major holiday in Nov, Australians jump right into xmas, but it is soooo low key!  At least here anyway.  Last year I was in Vietnam for the holidays, and there were decorations everywhere!  The year before I was in Korea, where even the subway is decorated.  And obviously I am used to America, where half of every department store turns into Santa's workshop.  Jason looked at me like I was crazy when I asked him where the Christmas store was in the mall.  Then he asked if I was making that up.  Seriously, I don't even think you can get your picture with Santa here.  A few people have decorated the outside of their houses and it always takes me a moment to remember 'tis actually the season, and these aren't those crazy people that leave their decorations up all year.  I have attempted to do my part by putting twinkle lights on my balcony...which is next to the pool.  I think it looks like college basement decor since it's hard to think of xmas in the pool.  Maybe a tree out there would help...might have to be a palm tree :-(

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