Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello, Goodbye

Today really is a bittersweet day. It's 5:30 in the morning and I am sitting in the San Diego airport. Flying back to MA today. I am excited and disappointed at the same time. Obviously I am excited because the next time I move will be to Prague. In fact, after a bit more research, we have decided to bump up the moving date to August 31st, if we can find some sweet prices on flights. It's just 3 days earlier than we planned, but may make a difference in us finding jobs if we arrive right at the beginning of Sept. However, even though I am so excited to be going abroad, I still have an overwhelming sense of disappointment that this stint in California proved to be so short lived. I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason, that it just wasn't meant to be. Everything will still be here when I get back. And if I hadn't come out here and borderline lost my mind, I wouldn't be fleeing the country right now and off to new adventures (I have no qualms admitting I am running away - but please don't ask if I am trying to "find myself." I will flip out.) So for now, I am sad, sitting in the airport drinking my $5.32 orange juice next to a woman with the thickest southern accent who keeps saying "tomaaatas" (translation=tomatoes). But at least there's free wi-fi.

Anway, the class is really heating up! We have an assignment due everyday for the next 5 days! No time for slacking. I have been doing a ton of online research on finding teaching jobs in Europe. Unlike Asia, it is customary to get there and then get a job. Apartments too. Obvs this makes us nervous! So basically, most of the discussion forums, etc, tell us to roll in, stay at a hostile for a few days, and "pound the pavement" by just showing up to schools and asking for jobs. Whoa! School starts in late Sept and the first 2 weeks of the month are hiring season. Hence why we bumped up the date to be there that first full week of Sept. So we are planning on getting our resumes out now and hopefully have some shit set up when we get there. It's nerve racking to think about! Esp for me! I am high maintenance! I've never stayed in a hostile before and I am nervous about doing it with all my belongings on hand. This should be interesting...

Double Czech words today: Hello = ahoj (pronounced Ahoy! like a pirate!)
Goodbye = nashledanou (pronounced I have no idea)


  1. Your misgivings are given away in spelling hostel "hostile".

    Please keep up the blog while you're away!!!!!!!

  2. Ooops! But you are right, there is def some underlying meaning there. I am using the "hostile" spelling from now on. Consider it a permanent typo.

    Def will be blogging from abroad! That is when it is going to get interesting ;-)
