Monday, June 22, 2009

School Daze

After one week, my grade in my TEFL course is an 83.1% What the f is that shit? This class is mad easy, how do I not have a 100? Or 105?! Idk if that is even possible, but that's what I should have. I must be a total dumb ass to have a low B average. The best was the weekly quiz. You are allowed to take it 2 times, and after the first time, they give you the correct answer. My stupid ass still got an 8/10 on it! Hahaha! I need to start taking it more seriously, apparently. Not that it even matters as long as you pass and get your certificate, but still, I want an A.

We are buying our plane tickets this week! Yay! Jullia found a really good deal and it looks like we can fly from Boston for $329. Not bad! We are looking at going on Sept 2nd, which is the Wednesday before Labor Day. I am already dreading the packing! I am supposed to be packing to leave San Diego right now...clearly I am procrastinating.

On to more things Czech. They have American movie theatres in Prague. I know it's silly to be worrying about seeing American films, but the New Moon movie comes out in November, and you know I love that shit. The thought of waiting a year to see it was not sitting well. So I am relieved to know I can see it in Prague.

Czech word of the day : pracovní název = New Moon HA!

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