Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sick of Lowell

Late night post after a couple glasses of wine!! Should be interesting! (PS that was a disclaimer, so don't point out the typos, I know they're in here. Same goes for overuse of exclamation points.) Lots going on with me. First off, I have yet another broken cell phone - minor price to pay for a fun vacation on the Cape. Lesson learned, don't take phone on small boat, chances are it will get soaked. So some time this week I will have to venture to the dreaded verizon store and make up some lame excuse as to why the phone is broken for the 3rd time this year. Hopefully the person I get doesn't give an eff and just gives me a new phone. If not, it's broken phone til Korea!

On to all things teaching. FINALLY posted my resume on Dave's ESL this week. Tons of emails and calls from recruiters! Korea is 13 hours ahead of my time (US Eastern), which is a major pain in the ass! Because I work at night, I have to take interviews when I get out, at 1am or later. WTF?! I am tired as shit by that time. I had my first interview last night, which was interesting. Woman asked me nothing! Just had me talk a little bit - I am pretty sure she was just checking to see if I spoke with an accent, which thankfully I do not. Surprisingly, I got an email today from the recruiter saying the interviewer thought it went really well. hmmm. I have an interview Monday for a school that I am hopeful for. Website is so cute! Probably shouldn't be sold on the website, but I kinda am. School gets good reviews by former teachers online too, so that means I prolly won't get hired there...

On to the title of my post, I am so sick of Lowell. I hate my job and everything else. I have to quit the refugees job because they changed the hours of the class from 12-3 to 9-12, and I am not up at that time! I am scared to tell them though, I feel really bad about peacing. But I am going to work with United Way again this year, so I am moving on from one free job to the next. I could fill my resume with jobs I work for free! I seem to always have at least one.

Anyway, this post is bor-ing...and long! I apologize. I am half distracted by the Chelsea Lately featuring Backstreet Boys on in the background. Who knew Kevin left the group?! Oh, and now Interactive Male commercial is on! "Talk about a good time," that is their slogan. Def time for bed, don't know what I am saying anymore. Doesn't matter bc no one reads this anyway. ZZzzzzZzzzZz


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