Monday, September 14, 2009

Some thoughts by Al

Jullia keeps telling me I do not update enough, so here are some random thoughts from me. First off, when I move to Seoul, I plan on consuming as much Red Mango as possible in the first week I am there. All meals will take place at Red Mango. And I will love it. Even though we have Red Mango here in "The States," we do not have on in Lowell, nor any type of RedMango/PinkBerry/YOGURTLAND(sigh) place. So there you go.

Secondly, I did not get the job at Alphabet School :( I did get hired at the school that had that weird interview, but declined due to location (burbs). Also received an offer today from a school with a shady contract and lots of negative reviews online. Pass!! The right school has to come soon.

Thirdly, huge congrats to Jullia who has accepted a position in Seoul!! yay! Now on to me, I need a job! And it has to be at a cute school that is nice to teachers! Where are you, cute, nice school?!

Lastly, football season is here! Woo ha! So many positives to this! Obvi football brings lots of quality snacking and beer time on the couch with Dad. No better way in the world to spend a Sunday! Snacks and beers unlimited! And, I am currently "unavailable" to work on Sundays because of various "previous engagements" (weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, I could go on) also known as couch and football time!! So now I only spend about 3 days a week in that dreaded place! Suckaaaass!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I know that you're going to get the perfect offer soon! And I can't wait to see you!
