Monday, September 28, 2009

la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa


Things are moving slowly. Very slowly. I still haven't found a school. Recruiters keep telling me it is difficult to find opportunities in Seoul because teachers aren't going back to the US since the economy sucks. Blah, blah, I don't want to hear that! I interviewed with a school today that seems promising. It's a kindergarten, which could be fun. Or nerve racking! Some of the kids could be as young as 3 years old. Major drawback is that Jullia's school has asked her to come later, like in Dec! So I could potentially be there 6 weeks before her, which is scary.

On another note, look at how crafty I am! I made this hydrangea wreath today! Yes, those are real flowers from our yard! I am v proud of my wreath making skills. Perhaps when I get back from Korea and move to the mountains, I will explore a career in wreath making. I imagine it could be quite lucrative... :-)


  1. When I was in law school, I taught kindergarten for 2 years every Sunday at Hebrew school. Kids that age are great and you'll be awesome!!! BTW, no idea why it's forcing me to use this listserv as my name, but it's LTF!!!

  2. LOL - I was like, do I have randoms reading the blog?! The more I think about it, the more excited I am to teach young kids. I am still unsure on this position though, I don't know if I want to leave 6 weeks before Jullia!
