Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fuck My Life!!!

I left almost 48 hours ago and I am still nowhere near Korea. I am in the Frankfurt airport, which I am pretty sure might be one of the worst places on earth. Place makes LAX look like a vacation! There are lines everywhere! Long, long lines. And so many pissed off people. I met several people this morning who arrived 3 hours early and still missed their flights because of the incredibly long lines. And no one is sure what line to wait in. Peeps were waiting for over an hour, just to find out they should be in the line next door. It's mis here.

I should have landed in Korea 18 hours ago. My connecting flight to LA was canceled (after 2 hours of waiting on the plane), so therefore I missed the flight to Seoul. And I couldn't get another flight, so they threw me in a hotel at 1am and gave me a flight to Frankfurt the following night at 8:30...and that flight was delayed! I finally got on the over night flight to Germany, arrived here at 11:30am and will leave for Seoul at 6pm (3 more hours). I am beyond tired, I can't imagine how I will be once landing. Thurs-Sun spent in airports!! Luckily, I have a loaf of blueberry bread and carrots with me, bc I refuse to spend any more money on airport food.

So that's the start of the trip. Can only go up from here, right?

(pardon the profanity in the title. it's necessary.)

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