Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pushing and Shoving

The other day I consulted Jullia's Korean phrase book to find the proper term for 'excuse me' because I feel like I need to say it 50 times a day. Turns out there is no such word. Just a lot of pushing, shoving, and get-the-fuck-out-of-the-way looks. Peeps don't care. If you are standing where they want to be, they just knock right into you. Don't mind me! The subway is the worst, they will run you over. And 'ladies first' does not apply either. When coming out of an elevator, it's every person for themselves. If it's packed, you just shove your way out. If someone falls, not your problem! It's really weird, and aggravating, but easier to just go with the flow and join in on the pushing than to try to be polite.

Hats are all the rage here. Animal hats. I now have 2. One is a bear hat that Jullia bought me as a welcome to Seoul present. It is a bear head that comes down around your ears and ties under your chin. It's pretty sweet. We also each got a new hat at Dunkin Donuts a couple days ago. It has a huge pompom on it and 2 bear heads at the ears. I love it. I will post pictures of the hats soon. However, we are quite pissed off because Baskin Robbins has some pretty awesome penguin hats and they won't sell them to us unless we buy a $20 ice cream cake. WTF?!

I have a pretty bad cold, which totally sucks because I am on vacation this week. I had to go to the pharmacy to get cold medicine today. You basically describe your symptoms, and the pharmacist gives you a box of whatever. Of course, no one speaks English, so I had to sniffle my nose and fake cough to get my shit. Weird that she was able to tell me to take 2 capsules 3 times a day, hmmmmm.

Pics of food to come as well. Korean food is sooo cheap. Full dinners cost anywhere between 3-6$$. Western food is so expensive though! Yesterday, we were feeling severely hung over after a night of drinking somaek (soju and beer, like a sake bomb) followed by late night dance party. We traveled across Seoul to get an American style breakfast (ie eggs, french toast etc), and it costed the 2 of us $45!! Last time we will be doing that! We need order the $5 Snapple though, so that prolly wasn't smart.

It's cold as shizz here, like 15 degrees during the day. We were going out a lot at first, exploring and whatnot, but since I got sick, we are laying low. Oh, we did try snowboarding on Sat. It was a nightmare for me, I am still sore! There is really not much snow in Korea despite the freezing temps. All the snow on the mountain was man made, so super icy. I am still in a lot of pain...

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