Wednesday, December 30, 2009

donde esta la biblioteca?

After a while, you become accustomed to not understanding anything anyone is saying to you. Jullia and I have responded to this problem by speaking the few Spanish phrases we know over and over. If only we were in a Spanish speaking country! We could at least inquire about the library and order food!

Not much is new since yesterday's post, but I have been confined to the house with this damn cold the past 2 days, so I figured I would update again. We have decided we need to be very proactive about making friends here. The teachers at my school are so not into it. Most of them have been here awhile, some have family here, others are just kinda lame. I am sure we will be friendly at school, but I am doubtful for outside of school. Jullia's school is definitely more social than mine, however very clicky - we are not in to. All in all, peeps are not up to our level of coolness. Therefore, we will have to go out and make friends on our own. Idk how we are going to do club? jelly of the month club? hiking club when weather is nicer? something!

Tomorrow is New Year's (obvs). Not sure what we are up to yet. It totally sucks that we are both sick. We missed out on a lot of exploring these past 2 days while coughing our lungs out. I think we may go to Hongdae, which is a pretty cool area with lots of bars and shopping - we went here on Christmas Eve. This weekend, we are going to hit Itaewon, which is foreigner land. We'll see how that goes. Lots of military hang out in this neighborhood.

(BTW - I have decided to keep the blog a secret from people here. Makes for funner entries.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chica,

    So sorry to hear you two are sick, but good to know you aren't letting it slow you down. I hate snowboarding, but that's probably because I never took lessons and totally tanked the one time I tried. I love how you are reminiscing on our cozy snuggling... my favorite was definitely in Aransas Pass, TX on the bed with a gagillion stuffed animals. Anywho, wanted to wish you and Julia a happy New Year. Let's definitely chat soon about trying to connect in July when I go to Fiji.

