Thursday, October 25, 2012

Skinny rules!

So I am on pinterest all the time, but I never pin anything because I just keep my links in my own google doc.  I have to first check out the recipe before I know if I will like it - the pic is just there to entice (btw I cant believe how many blogs and amateur cooking sites there are now!).

Anyway, I came across this gem tonight.  20 rules to be skinny?!  Sounds like a lot.  I can already rule out a number of these "rules"- rule out as in it's not even worth trying.  Obvs #2 unless they invent diet wine sometime soon, this is not happening.  No carbs after lunch def a no go.  And who wants to go to bed hungry?  The apples and berries is def not happening either, Bob.  Those are like rare delicacies in Aus!  A small container of blueberries is $8!  Yes, I am not lying, the little one! Prolly the only these rules I have mastered are 8 and 20.  Oh and prolly 15.  What would Bob think of Roll it up:  Spring Roll Fang Zi?  I think it would be banned after lunch time.  Not cool.

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