Friday, November 6, 2009

Signed. Sealed. Delivered?

Breaking news. After months and months of looking, I have finally found a job in Seoul that looks not horrifying! Here is the link to my school - . To see the school itself, click on elementary at the bottom. It looks very cute. My first official day of work is going to be December 21, and I will be leaving for Korea the week before. I feel very fortunate to have received this offer, it's by far the best position I came across in the past 3 months! Hooray! I sent all my paperwork to the school yesterday and now just have to wait while my visa is processed. BTW - it costs $45 to FedEx an envelope to Korea...and it takes 5 days to arrive, yikes! Now I just have to figure out how I am going to get all my clothes there. Esp since I need to bring lots of winter gear. It was 30 in Seoul the other day! But this weekend is supposed to be 75 - sounds like New England.

On another note, Levi Johnston is going to pose for Playgirl. Is that not hilarious? Talk about trying to extend your 15 minutes! LOL

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