Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mas Gringos!

Interesting couple of days in SoKo! We are STILL sick! It's crazy. I think part of it is because the Korean cold meds do NOTHING! You feel no difference at all when taking them. Luckily, a friend of Jullia who is going home soon had an excess supply of Dayquil, so she hooked us up. Mom is going to send me a package of cold meds from home. I never thought I would need to pack this stuff with me!

Anyway, since we are still sick, we thought it would be more beneficial to have a quiet New Year's. We wanted to go out for a non-Korean dinner and maybe a beer or two. We subwayed it over to Sinchon (cool area with shopping, bars, TONS of cafes, Red Mango, etc), with no real destination in mind. We just felt like some beer and junk food. It took us about a half hour in the freezing cold to find the general area where the bars/restaurants are. We were turned down by the first one because it was too late, like 11pm (mind you, this restaurant was On the Border, lol, but a margarita sounded sooo good!). Then we found "Beer Factory." I'm thinking "score!" this place is totally going to have good beer and nachos, exactly what we want. Well, not so much. Beer was good, I ordered a dunkel and Jullia had a hefe. They were 20 oz, so that was nice. The menu was all in Korean, even though it wasn't Korean food. Not sure what kind of food it was really. Everything in Korea comes in sets. At Coffee Bean, set one is a latte and a bagel, set two is an americano and a muffin, a box of Special K comes with a scarf, etc. So we ordered set one at Beer Factory, which looked like nachos (or cheese fries) and a small pizza for 25 bucks. Hmmm. Food was horrifying! After about 5 minutes of debate, we determined one thing to be a BBQ chicken pizza with kidney beans on it. It was v difficult to identify the beans! They were microwaved beyond all recognition. Pizza was topped with shredded cabbage, ketchup posing as salsa, and a whipped something that might have been sour cream - neither of us dared to try it. The other dish (aka the nachos or fries) was something on a whole other field! We were able to identify the following ingredients: lima beans, corn, onions, sausage that we initially thought was mushrooms, thick rice cakes, rice noodles, peppers, carrots, cheese, scallions, and prolly more, all in a red spicy sauce. We gave up on this dish pretty quickly, It was nasty! I wish we had a camera. At the end of the night, we went home with no dinner and about 80 bucks poorer :-( Yikes!

We woke up starving on New Year's Day. My bed still totally sucks, so we went shopping for a mattress pad next to Jullia's house, then took the 45 min subway ride to my neighborhood for Mexican food - we were determined to get our junk! Lugging the damn mattress pad around, we busted through the mall to the Mexi place. Now, I thought LA was a crowded city, but I have never seen so many people in my life than the mall near my house. Place is out of control -- ALL THE TIME (more on this to come). We roll into Mexican, all Koreans cooking burritos. I order "quesadia", Jullia gets burrito, we are sharing. That's as far as we can get really, Food comes, "quesadia" has chicken and ground beef in it, disgusting! Another foiled attempt at eating.

We decide at this point to see Avatar at the Imax theater. Not happening. It's 2:30 and the movie is sold out until 10pm, it's not even opening weekend, this shit's been out! There are people EVERYWHERE, pushing and shoving of course. We take a number to buy our tickets, we are 725 and they are calling 605. WTF?! We peaced. That was our second attempt to go to the movies this week, we might try again today...

Now we are determined to get our junk food meal! We research online and find another place in Sinchon called "Beer O'Clock." Menu is online, has pizza, burgers, fries, this is our place! We roll in there around 7pm, someone yells out hello, and my jaw dropped. It's all foreigners!  Even the people that work there! Like a meeting place for gringos!  Idk why I was so surprised, it was just weird to see unexpectedly. The place turned out to be pretty cool, and might be a good place to meet some other teachers from different schools. As Pauly D says, we lit some fires, but we will have to go back and see what pans out. We finally got pizza, and it was really good. Plus, they have Max, which must be the Korean PBR for 3,000 won, like 2.50. You know I was downing that! In the next post, I will discuss the massive amounts of white guys with Korean girlfriends, it's all the rage here.

Since Pauly D has been mentioned (obvs), thoughts on The Situation just chillin when Snookie got knocked the fuck out? Then trying to creep on some girl outside the bar? HA! We can't watch Jerz Shore online, so we have to buy every episode on Itunes, it's worth it though. Will The Sitch ever get laid?? Doubt it!

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