Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things that Make You Go Hmmmm

A restaurant up the street from my apartment has potentially the most disturbing toilet I have seen thus far in SoKo.  The hole that drains the water when you flush is actually covered with a screen, so nothing but liquid can go down.  Next to the toilet are giant tongs, so you can scoop out any tissue you accidentally toss in there, or better yet, your number 2.  It is my assumption that if you do a number 2 in there, you would then toss it in the trash can.  Also, the bathroom is unisex and also doubles as the mop closet.  The entire menu with pictures is on the wall next to the toilet, so you can decide what to order while you are in there enjoying the ambiance.  Oh, and of course there's no sink...at all.  So obvs my dumbass threw tissue in there and flushed 3 times before I realized what the situation was.  Then I had to use the tongs... GA-ROSS!!

I have picked up the worst expression from my kindergarteners.  They will hold a book or whatever up to my face and say, "Alexandra Teacher, smell this.  It's poo poo smell."  I find myself saying poo poo smell all the time now.  FML!

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