Monday, March 1, 2010

It's all about the Hamiltons, baby!

Not sure what it is about Korea that gives me the stamina to be able to stay out til the wee hours of the morning. I guess it's because that's just what you do here.  This weekend was pretty crazy.  Today is Independence Day, so we had a long weekend, holla!  We def celebrated!  Friday night the teachers at school had a dinner to say goodbye to 2 teachers and welcome the new ones.  AWKWARD!.  I have never met a group of people who are so difficult to talk to!  I mean, I didn't have a beer! And anyone who knows me knows I never turn down a beer.   Argh, anyway, at least the food was delish.  We had shabu shabu (sorry no pic) at a place near the school.

On Saturday, Jullia and I went to get haircuts and I did my usual weekend routine of hitting up Myeungdong for some retail therapy.  The 1st H&M in Korea was opening that day, so obvs I couldn't miss that event.  However, I didn't anticipate the red carpet and line to get in, so I hit Forever 21 and bounced.  I brought out one of the new teachers to meet Jullia and a Korean friend for dinner in Hongdae.  We had a fun squid meal called osambulgogi which was so good, but spicy!  This night ended up being really fun!  We bounced around Hongdae a lot, ending up going to 3 different places and meeting up with some friends.  The second place was ooc!  Everyone in there was getting crunky!  Peeps pouring tequila right out of the bottle into your mouth!  I didn't partake because I knew I would die, but I did get in trouble here for breaking a light on the ceiling while I was dancing on a table (dancing on tables is huge here).  Me, Scott, and same Korean friend who was at dinner decided it was a good idea to stay out til the subway opens again so we don't have to cab, we're always thinking ahead.  We somehow lost track of time and ended up not leaving til 7, at which point it was time for breakfast (obvs).  It is so easy to lose track of time because everyone is still out!  The restaurant we went to was packed!  We had squid soup (of course, what else would you eat for breakfast?), and finally called it a night at 830 in the morning!!!  WHAT?!  We got back home (all the teachers live in the same apt building) and decided we were still hungry and needed Egg McMuffins, so of course we hit McD's.  I made it home for real at 9:30, just in time to bump into Dino on her way to church, ouch.  She was of course, very unfriendly when she saw us by the elevator with our McD's cup.

I was tired on Sunday, but it was supposed to be 50 and sunny, so I didn't want to waste a good day sleeping.  I dragged myself out and we were going to have a picnic at the river, but when we got there we were freezing and decided to just go out to eat.  We had planned for a week to noreabang (karaoke) on Sunday night, so we got together the crew and made it happen.  It was so fun!  Noreabang places are not bars, they are private rooms with flashing lights, tv, sound system like you're giving a concert, couches, etc (see pics).  You get a couple microphones and tamborines -- I guess some places even have costumes you can wear.  And you can bring anything you want in, alcohol, food, etc.  It rocks!  We had a blast!  I went home at  3 and that was considered "leaving early."

Tomorrow is the start of a new school year.  UGHHH!  Not looking forward to this!  It's going to be a rough week, but at least it's shorter!

Jullia and Scott doing a duet, me busting moves.

Jullia and Flavio (yes, a Spanish name) duetting.

Kyo and I, I am really belting it out!  Kyo was the best singer by far.

Us, from L to R, Goeun, me, Scott, Kyo, and YS.  Jullia and I love YS.  I am trying to get him to marry me and move to America, but for some reason he's not having it.  Strange :-P

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