Monday, January 30, 2012

Douche Pool

The apartment complex I live in is called Michie Court.  Things are very bad in the Michie Court in 2012.  It's a pretty big group of apartments, there are 5 buildings with 16  3-bedroom apartments in them each, so that's however many -  a lot, I am not going to do the math.  Anyway, for that many apartments, I was always pretty surprised at how quiet the complex was.  There are 3 pools in the complex, one right outside my patio, and they were always empty -- leading me to consider the close pool my own, even had my pool toys out there.  Also very enjoyable was the lack of children in the complex, there were no kids!

Well, we come back 2 weeks ago and things have changed -- drastically.  There were quite a few empty units before Christmas, and it seems ALL of them are now occupied.  The first week, I noticed the influx of kids.  Kids in the pools, all the time!  And you know what kids do in a pool, they pee in it.  Plus you can't exactly bring your icy cold beverage into the pool with you when there are 20 kids splashing around -- not very relaxing.  Of course I'm pissed at this point.  I had no idea what the next week would bring...

Thursday was Australia Day.  I am not exactly sure what Australia Day is, but I am assuming it's the same as the 4th of July-- you celebrate with a BBQ and lots of drinking.  This is when we noticed how many douches had moved into the Michie Court.  The night before, they were terrorizing the 3rd pool til all hours of the night.  Jason and I spent a lot of the night being thankful they weren't in our pool and saying things to make each other feel better.  "They all live in the other buildings, they will only use the 3rd pool."  "There's no way they all live here, they are probably just having people over for Australia Day." "I'm sure it's just because they just moved in..."  Australia Day was pretty low key for us, we just planned hanging around the pool and cooking on "the barbie."  We went swimming in the afternoon and douches were back in 3rd pool.  Again, I was in denial.  "Oh look, maybe they will only go in that pool.  Maybe our's is like the kids pool now and they will stay over there."  Jason agreed,  "I would rather have kids pool than douche pool."  It's amazing how last week I was so pissed about the kids and now I am wanting them back!

Like I said, the balcony of our first floor apartment is VERY close to the 2nd pool.  I would say, it's about 4 feet from the edge of our balcony to the edge of the pool.  The terrorizing started the evening of Australia Day. Food is fresh off the barbie, ready to eat and really hungry.  I take my first bite and then say oh shit.  Incoming to the pool, douches with beers.  There were only a few so I didn't care too much, until they started talking to us!  Why don't you guys come swimming, come on, come in the pool, blah blah on and on...hammered.  I'm thinking fuck off, I just want to eat!  Now I am feeling less confident, maybe they DO like this pool... Well nothing prepared me for Saturday!

Saturday, there was a full blown pool party -- in 2nd pool, right outside my door!  It was like a frat party, but with army guys...and it started at noon!  At first there were about 7 dudes and one girl.  I am thinking this is a bad sign, 7 dudes, 3 coolers or beer.  The one girl must have called her bitches, because next thing a bunch of chicks roll in.  Then some more dudes, more coolers, bottles of wine, oh and big ass speakers blasting NICKELBACK and DISTURBED!  Seriously, I am not making this up!  They got pizza delivery to the pool, about 15 pizzas!  Now I would like to add, there is no furniture at the pool, not one lounge chair, so everyone is sitting on the floor -- 25 people!  Well, it's Darwin, so it has to eventually rain.  About 5 hours into the party, 5 hours of Nickelback jams, it pours down.  They don't care!  Some are hiding in the bathroom, but most are just still out there!  And the Disturbed is still pumping!  OMFG!  FINALLY, someone called the police, but they told them first (rude!) so they had dispersed before the cops got here.

So, this blows.  The peace and quiet of Michie Court is long gone.  I wouldn't mind so much, if our place wasn't directly next to the pool -- we can't even have the blinds open because you can see in!  You might be thinking, well you're the dumbass that picked that place, but really we didn't get to pick what unit we got.  We knew the building, but didn't get to know what unit we were getting until move in day.  Jason is plotting how to keep the pool douche free, driving me crazy.  His "douche repellent" involves blasting Lovin' You by Minnie Riperton on repeat from our balcony.  For some reason, he insists on testing the annoyance factor of the song by playing it on repeat in the house.  "It's so annoying, right?  They will hate this!" YES, IT'S ANNOYING, NOW STOP!!  Now he has starting mixing in that scene from Dumb and Dumber when Llloyd makes the most annoying sound in the world. "Listen, I made it even worse!"  AHHHHHH!

 Jason is like paparazzi.  This photo was taken from inside our living room, that's how close we are! 
 That railing is our balcony :(

Our I said, no furniture!  Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to get the area to the right, where most people were congregating.  

Just in case you don't recognize the song and how annoying it is, here's the video.  
Still better than Nickelback!


  1. Why don't you call the police? Or talk to the landlord? There must be something you can do besides playing Loving You...that seems like it's torture for you too!

  2. I thought that song was ok at first, but omg it is so torturous! I didn't want to call the cops on the first time, but if it happens again I will start complaining. I need to do a little investigation and find out where they live. Haven't seen them since, so maybe they got a talking to.
