Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Good on ya!

So I am back in Darwin after being away almost exactly one month "on holiday."  I had a great time exploring Australia.  We spent Christmas with Jason's family in Canberra, New Year's in Sydney, and then drove up the coast in the Fiesta, spending the most time in wine country in New South Wales (obvs, it's me -- I love wine), Surfer's Paradise, and the Whitsunday Islands (Great Barrier Reef).  Then we booked it for 2 days driving nonstop across the Outback and arrived in Darwin exhausted and actually happy to stay put!  I never thought I would be so happy to see my Darwin apartment!  The trip was amazing, but details/photos will have to wait.  There are pressing Darwin issues to share.

First off and most importantly, the ANTS.   As I previously mentioned, I was so nervous to come home and see that ants had conquered the apartment while I was away.  Well, they have managed to baffle me yet again...  in the 24 hours I have been home, NOT ONE SINGLE ANT!  How could this be?  I found some dead ones in the shower and a few dead ones in the kitchen, but barely noticeable - I was moving things around looking for them.  My mind is blown.  The only thing I can fathom is that management did some type of extermination to the outside grounds (my extensive research has led me to believe the ants nest outside) and killed the ants!  It is such a relief, but I am still suspicious.  Is there something I don't know??  Where are the ants???

Secondly, it is still hot as hell in Darwin.  Being down south was such a nice break from the monotonous heat and humidity.  Well nothing packs on the lbs like a one-month Christmas road trip, so it was back to running for me this AM.  Despite trying to keep up my fitness while traveling, this morning's run kicked my fucking ass.  It was the worst ever.  I am heavier than when I was running before and I noticed it in every step.  I know it sounds ridiculous, and it is only a few pounds, but I felt like I was trying to move twice my body weight.  To sum it up, when I walked through the door, Jason asked me if I was crying -- and I was!  It was before 9am and it was fucking hot, humid, and the tv later in the day said the UV index was 15.  I felt like I was cooking!  Tomorrow I am going hat shopping, as if a hat is going to keep the sun off me.

Lastly, peeps here are freaking out because there's a drought!  It hasn't rained for 10 days -- that hasn't happened in January since 1942!  No rain is making it even hotter and more humid than normal.  I have lost one plant to the terrible drought - seeing that I don't know anyone, there was no one to look after my plants while I was gone.  I left them in the sun and assumed the rain would take care of the watering.  Well, one is fried.  Will post a pic soon, I cut it down and am trying to revive it.

Happy New Year everyone! :)  Will post soon with trip details.  Oh, and I have picked up a new saying.  Everyone here says "good on ya."  I think it means good for you or good job, but I don't really care what its meaning is, I use it for all situations.  

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