Monday, January 30, 2012

K-Fed has a job

Seriously, I want to get fat and then have people pay me to lose weight.  This is the dream job!  You get to mow down and then you get paid to do flashy workouts on tv, like pull a plane.  Anyway, that seems to be K-Fed's career.  This is a smart man!  After apparently exhausting all the VH-1 shows, he has a new show coming out here called Excess Baggage.  I don't really think I need to explain too much -- normal people losing weight with a fat celebrity partner.  I think he is the only one who is not an Aussie celeb.  The show hasn't started yet, but there were a ton of news reports last week that he had to be rushed to the hospital during filming.  He was showing signs of cardiac arrest while doing an "intense workout in the outback."  Ughhh.  Why can't this be me?  Kidding of course, but seriously...  why does he have a job?

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