Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Bush

I admit, where I live is not completely representative of the rest of Australia, but it is what people call the "Real Australia."  The Northern Territory is an interesting place.  First off, even though it's like twice the size of Texas, the NT is not a state (yes, Australia has states...New South Wales, Queensland, etc), it's just a "territory."  I think there are 10 territories in total, only 2 on the mainland, NT and the Australian Capital Territory -- much like DC is not a state, neither is the ACT.  Only ACT is tiny, and Northern Territory is huge.  Despite its geographic proportions, less than 200,000 people live here, prolly because it blows.  Crocodile Dundee is from here, real "bush men."  I didnt understand the term "bush" until I drove across the outback.  I said, what is this "bush?"  Like woods?

No, not like woods.  It literally looks like a giant bush and it covers this whole fucking continent.  Scraggly-ass eucalyptus trees and weeds.  Everywhere!

The bush, taken from the one road that goes through it.

It goes without saying the bush blows.  Jason is currently "out bush," meaning he is living in those scraggly-ass trees for 3 months.  When you are out bush, no one can contact you.  There is no cell phone coverage on like 80% of this fucking continent!  When we drove cross country, my phone never worked.  If your car breaks down, you just wait for someone to come by to help...which could take days.  I am trying to picture that happening ANYWHERE in America!  And when you go out bush, you just sleep wherever.  No tent.  Needless to say I would die out there in a minute.  PLUS, who has seen Wolf Creek?  Fuckin A!  And a lot of people like to go out bush!  Peeps will call work asking for someone that works there part time and the girls that answer the phone will say, "Oh no, he's out bush...comes back next month."  WTF?

I finally finished the Hunger Games series, took a while because the 3rd book didnt hold my attention.  At a certain point I think it got a little too ridiculous, Katniss was stabbed, burned, shot, burned again, beaten while burned, starved, starved while beaten while burned...  Idk, good series nonetheless.  

In other news, I have joined a gym and am on a diet.  First week of my diet, I lost one kilo (2.2lbs).  My second week, I gained 1.5 kilos.  So after 2 weeks of "dieting" I weigh a pound more than when I started.  I am chocking it up to all the muscle I am building at the gym.  LOL

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