Sunday, November 29, 2009

I don't wanna!!!

Weh, weh, weh. I move waayyyy too much. I lived in the same house my whole life until college. Then I started being in charge of my life, and I am all over the place! I moved to college, and then home. The I moved to grad school in LA, and then home. Then I moved back to CA 2 years later (albeit very briefly), and then home. Now I am moving to Seoul, and then I will prolly move home again! I promised my parents when I told them I was going to Korea, that I would stay put in MA for a while when I got back. So Jullia and I are planning to take up residence in Cambridge, which I am very excited about. The plan is to be out of the parents' house for good. Someday I want to move back to CA -- 3rd time's a charm! -- but that is in the v distant future. Anyway, the thing that sucks the most about always moving is I am always PACKING! FML! Anyone who knows me, knows what a procrastinator I am. For example, right now I am procrastinating working out by writing this blog. There's always something. So I told myself I will commence packing of summer clothing on Monday. We'll see...

Things I still need to get: I haven't ordered my mini netbook yet. Unbeknownst to me, effing Walmart went and put them on sale online on Thanksgiving Day for $228. I just happened to plan on ordering mine that day, and because of this stupid sale, that shit is sold out. I also need an outlet adapter. Pos I should just get this there? I don't know where to buy that. I guess I could order online. idk. And I need all my toiletries. Other than those few things, I am ready! I have bought a ton of clothes in a panic. Hahaha, like I ever need a reason to shop!

Another exciting post by me! I am excited to get to Seoul to have some actual stories. For now, I will just keep bitching on here about things I don't want to do. :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...

Hooray for Thanksgiving! I am pretty pumped for tomorrow (obvs). We are having dinner at the house, which should be fun, and hopefully relaxing. Nothing big going on, since we have no fam. But this will be my last holiday at home for the year, so it's a lil bittersweet.

I have decided to stop freaking out about leaving. I don't give a crap anymore. If I don't have something, it's fine. I will get it there or do without. My favorite thing I have been doing is stocking up on itunes, because, you know, I can't get itunes in Korea... The last couple things I need are a few toiletries that will be difficult to find, like deodorant, eye drops, etc and one of those mini netbooks, I'm just getting a whole new comp instead of buying a webcam. Much easier. Other than that, I am done. I really need to stop spending. I have a serious shopping disorder. Money burns a hole in my pocket, what's up with that?!

Also, since when are there so many republicans in MA? I need to move back to LA, where people are normal!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The lunatic is in my head.

Omg omg omgomgomgmomg! I am stress-ing!! First off, my immigration shit is ALL messed up. So it turns out they rejected my background check itself, and not the apostille. Well maybe it was both, but they decided to accept the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a state (duh), but the background check itself needs to be conducted by a government agency. All along I was told it had to be a statewide search (which is what I got) and one recruiter even told me where to get it done. And now, rejected. So basically, I am cutting it REALLY close. The place I am getting it done now is in Revere -- Jullia's fav hangout -- and they have no phone. So I can't even call to express my urgency. Hopefully the fact that I overnighted my request to them (oh yeah, everything is done by MAIL), will make them expedite the process.

I also got an email last night from the school. The director requests I get the swine shot before I go to Korea. Like that's easy to get! And how the f am I going to get all my shit there?! It's not like I am a light packer. I have CLOTHES, and SHOES, and BAGS, and jewelery, and hair accessories, and books, and toiletries, and computer, and on and on. Do I bring the Wii or not? Where do I put my year's supply of deodorant? How can I bring 20 pairs of shoes? Bc I require a minimum of 20 pairs for an entire year! I am already compromising and only bring 3 bags (purses). I can't do shoes too! And I can't buy them there, my feet are giant size in Asia. Clothes will be hard too, I'm 5'9! And coats! I want to bring 5 coats! It's cold there, and rains a lot. They are all necessary! Ughh, I sound like a mental person. This is what it's like being in my head. But it's all day long. And it's mixed with "raraahhhahh romaromaromama gagagagaga oh lalala." Ughh, just kill me now!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bringing my hat and mittens!

It's 28 degrees in Seoul right now. Granted it's night time, but WTF? It's been like that all week! This does not make me happy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

And of Course!

I knew it! Of course I managed to mess something up when sending my acceptance package to Korea. Apparently my criminal background check was not certified by the proper agency and Korean immigration will not accept it as is. Even though it is certified by the Secretary of State (or the "Commonwealth" in MA), it is incorrect. So my recruiter had to send it back to me and I must get it fixed ASAP. Bottom line, I am going to drop another 45 bones FedEx-ing this shizzzz back to them. FedEx total thus far: $90! AWE-SOME! I could be blowing that money at Nordstrom!!!!

So I should be leaving in approx one month. Yes, I am getting nervous. I am a little worried about the move itself, but I know Jullia and I will get through everything together. More and more I think about it, I could never do this alone. What I am really concerned about is missing my family and friends. I see most of my friends all too infrequently as it is. And I am terrible at the phone (as you all know!). Basically, I know I suck at keeping in touch. That just means, everyone (meaning everyone who has been invited to view this blog) is obliged to come to Seoul. No if, ands, or buts ;-) When else are you going to vacation in Korea?

I am excited tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have to work for the first time in 3 weeks! I was looking at an old post of mine from Sept when I was only working 3 days a week! That was short-lived, of course. I am pissed that the Pat's game is at 8:20 tomorrow night, though. Ughhh, too late! I prefer 1:00 games. Then I can eat my snacks and have my drinks with time for a nap! That is how Dad and I prefer Sundays to go. Monday will mean running around trying to get this damn background check in order. Apparently I have to go to Chelsea...wheretf is that???

Friday, November 6, 2009

Signed. Sealed. Delivered?

Breaking news. After months and months of looking, I have finally found a job in Seoul that looks not horrifying! Here is the link to my school - . To see the school itself, click on elementary at the bottom. It looks very cute. My first official day of work is going to be December 21, and I will be leaving for Korea the week before. I feel very fortunate to have received this offer, it's by far the best position I came across in the past 3 months! Hooray! I sent all my paperwork to the school yesterday and now just have to wait while my visa is processed. BTW - it costs $45 to FedEx an envelope to Korea...and it takes 5 days to arrive, yikes! Now I just have to figure out how I am going to get all my clothes there. Esp since I need to bring lots of winter gear. It was 30 in Seoul the other day! But this weekend is supposed to be 75 - sounds like New England.

On another note, Levi Johnston is going to pose for Playgirl. Is that not hilarious? Talk about trying to extend your 15 minutes! LOL