Saturday, November 21, 2009

The lunatic is in my head.

Omg omg omgomgomgmomg! I am stress-ing!! First off, my immigration shit is ALL messed up. So it turns out they rejected my background check itself, and not the apostille. Well maybe it was both, but they decided to accept the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a state (duh), but the background check itself needs to be conducted by a government agency. All along I was told it had to be a statewide search (which is what I got) and one recruiter even told me where to get it done. And now, rejected. So basically, I am cutting it REALLY close. The place I am getting it done now is in Revere -- Jullia's fav hangout -- and they have no phone. So I can't even call to express my urgency. Hopefully the fact that I overnighted my request to them (oh yeah, everything is done by MAIL), will make them expedite the process.

I also got an email last night from the school. The director requests I get the swine shot before I go to Korea. Like that's easy to get! And how the f am I going to get all my shit there?! It's not like I am a light packer. I have CLOTHES, and SHOES, and BAGS, and jewelery, and hair accessories, and books, and toiletries, and computer, and on and on. Do I bring the Wii or not? Where do I put my year's supply of deodorant? How can I bring 20 pairs of shoes? Bc I require a minimum of 20 pairs for an entire year! I am already compromising and only bring 3 bags (purses). I can't do shoes too! And I can't buy them there, my feet are giant size in Asia. Clothes will be hard too, I'm 5'9! And coats! I want to bring 5 coats! It's cold there, and rains a lot. They are all necessary! Ughh, I sound like a mental person. This is what it's like being in my head. But it's all day long. And it's mixed with "raraahhhahh romaromaromama gagagagaga oh lalala." Ughh, just kill me now!

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