Sunday, November 15, 2009

And of Course!

I knew it! Of course I managed to mess something up when sending my acceptance package to Korea. Apparently my criminal background check was not certified by the proper agency and Korean immigration will not accept it as is. Even though it is certified by the Secretary of State (or the "Commonwealth" in MA), it is incorrect. So my recruiter had to send it back to me and I must get it fixed ASAP. Bottom line, I am going to drop another 45 bones FedEx-ing this shizzzz back to them. FedEx total thus far: $90! AWE-SOME! I could be blowing that money at Nordstrom!!!!

So I should be leaving in approx one month. Yes, I am getting nervous. I am a little worried about the move itself, but I know Jullia and I will get through everything together. More and more I think about it, I could never do this alone. What I am really concerned about is missing my family and friends. I see most of my friends all too infrequently as it is. And I am terrible at the phone (as you all know!). Basically, I know I suck at keeping in touch. That just means, everyone (meaning everyone who has been invited to view this blog) is obliged to come to Seoul. No if, ands, or buts ;-) When else are you going to vacation in Korea?

I am excited tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have to work for the first time in 3 weeks! I was looking at an old post of mine from Sept when I was only working 3 days a week! That was short-lived, of course. I am pissed that the Pat's game is at 8:20 tomorrow night, though. Ughhh, too late! I prefer 1:00 games. Then I can eat my snacks and have my drinks with time for a nap! That is how Dad and I prefer Sundays to go. Monday will mean running around trying to get this damn background check in order. Apparently I have to go to Chelsea...wheretf is that???


  1. Hey lady. So excited for you. Can't wait for your posts once you arrive in Seoul. Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving with the fam, and perhaps you can skip away to Fiji for a week or two next July... cuz that's where I'll be!
