Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...

Hooray for Thanksgiving! I am pretty pumped for tomorrow (obvs). We are having dinner at the house, which should be fun, and hopefully relaxing. Nothing big going on, since we have no fam. But this will be my last holiday at home for the year, so it's a lil bittersweet.

I have decided to stop freaking out about leaving. I don't give a crap anymore. If I don't have something, it's fine. I will get it there or do without. My favorite thing I have been doing is stocking up on itunes, because, you know, I can't get itunes in Korea... The last couple things I need are a few toiletries that will be difficult to find, like deodorant, eye drops, etc and one of those mini netbooks, I'm just getting a whole new comp instead of buying a webcam. Much easier. Other than that, I am done. I really need to stop spending. I have a serious shopping disorder. Money burns a hole in my pocket, what's up with that?!

Also, since when are there so many republicans in MA? I need to move back to LA, where people are normal!

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