It has been a super stressful week! First off, of course, is the mother fucking visa. Seriously, why do bitches want to make my life so hard? On Friday we had a meeting. It was head of my dept, operations manager, my boss, the head of HR, and a person from immigration. The immigration officer walks us all step by step through the process, seems super easy, and then I walk her out. After I left, the other peeps stayed to discuss. They call me, I think everything is sorted now. NOT THE CASE! HR woman busts out NOW, after a month of this, that there is an internal policy that visa sponsorship is for senior management only. WTFF??! Apparently she didnt realize I wasnt senior management. So now they want me to find a recruitment agency who will technically be my employer, but continue to work there. So we'll see if that can happen...
Jason came home this week. I think it's interesting how guys act when they are used to being with all dudes all the time. All dudes out in the bush for 3 months. I was like, can you please start acting normal again now?
The diet has plateaued. I gained 1 lb back since Jason came home, which is not so bad. Havent lost any more, but the crash diet had to stop. Cant exactly serve celery sticks for dinner! Also had my hair done last week. It's super expensive in Darwin, so I wanted it to be just a little lighter so I dont have to get it done all the time. However, the stylist made it super blonde and didnt put a toner in it. It's dry as shit too. I called and asked them to fix the brassiness and they said they would charge me! So instead I spent a whole bunch on products to fix it myself. But it's starting to look ok now. lol.
Just 2 more days until we leave to Malaysia. I can't wait. The stress has been killing me lately and I think getting away for a little bit is exactly what I need.
Jason came home this week. I think it's interesting how guys act when they are used to being with all dudes all the time. All dudes out in the bush for 3 months. I was like, can you please start acting normal again now?
The diet has plateaued. I gained 1 lb back since Jason came home, which is not so bad. Havent lost any more, but the crash diet had to stop. Cant exactly serve celery sticks for dinner! Also had my hair done last week. It's super expensive in Darwin, so I wanted it to be just a little lighter so I dont have to get it done all the time. However, the stylist made it super blonde and didnt put a toner in it. It's dry as shit too. I called and asked them to fix the brassiness and they said they would charge me! So instead I spent a whole bunch on products to fix it myself. But it's starting to look ok now. lol.
Just 2 more days until we leave to Malaysia. I can't wait. The stress has been killing me lately and I think getting away for a little bit is exactly what I need.