Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bread day 2

I had the bread with eggs this morning.  Still delicious but I found it got denser and is not as high.  I think next time I am going to cook it 5 mins longer.  I am still baffled by this bread!

Today is "Territory Day," ie the only day of the year you can both buy and shoot off fireworks.  Of course all dudes love this day -- Jason is so mad he is missing it, started bitching about it 2 months ago.  It's really weird because all of a sudden they are selling fireworks EVERYWHERE.  But you have to both buy them and set them off only on this one day.  I def slept in today because I am just picturing how loud it's going to be around the Michie Ct tonight!

So everyone is my office is laughing at me.  They are sending me to court in a small community this week.  They waited a little while for me to get used to the job, but I think this is going to start happening more often.  Australia is super rural and people live out in communities that literally dont have roads, they are accessible by plane or 4WD only.  Basically, they hold court once a month in each community -- all the court staff, judges, lawyers all fly in for 2-3 days and everyone that has been arrested in the last month gets a summons to appear in court that day.  And most of these people don't speak English, they speak Aboriginal languages (I work with the court interpreting).  You can imagine how chaotic this is.  And weird!  The communities are all aboriginal people and once a month all these white people fly in and put them in jail.  It's going to be a super interesting experience and it's going to places that most Australian people never even get to see.

I have to take this small ass charter plane and roll in there for Wed and Thurs of this week.  Everyone thinks this is funny.  One because I am American and 2. because I am me.  They are calling it by introduction to the true Territory.  I have been advised by many people to carry a stick with me because there are these mangy dogs everywhere that bite you. They call them "camp dogs."  Apparently the place I am going is the worst for camp dogs.  I asked if I should bring mace and someone said that's a good idea.  Fuckin A!  I am obvs terrified of these dogs.  My boss was saying one time he was there and one of the dogs had crawled under the court house and died 2 days earlier.  The place stunk and no one removed the dog!  I seriously think I have a knack for picking the world's craziest jobs.  I will be sure to write a full report next weekend, if I survive. "You're not a true Territorian til you've been bitten by a camp dog, Al." Ahhhhh!  

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