Friday, July 6, 2012

I survived!

So I survived my first trip out bush.  Safe to say, there are few places like an Aboriginal "bush camp" in the US.  The dogs were obvs everywhere and biting.  They also chase the cars and rip off things like mud flaps.  Because of this, nearly every dog is walking with at least one bad leg because peeps just run them over all the time.  You dont really have a choice.  If it looks like a dog is getting ready to bite you, you hit it with something.  Hard.

I was there to observe the court.  The entire situation is just fucked up.  A couple days before, the police go around and remind everyone that court is happening and you need to come into "town."  You might be thinking, as was I, wtf is "town" in a camp??  Well, the camp has "houses." Idk how to describe the houses, a lot are trailers, but some are more like units than homes.  It's a house that was plopped down, it could blow away.  But for many people, it's much better than what they had -- which before 2 years ago was tents.  Legit, you and  your family lived in a tent.  Anyway, I am getting off track.  So come into town means all the people that are camped around the community -- way out in the bush -- have to come in to this area where they have houses for court.  "Court" is obvs not held in a court room, but in a spare room next to the post office.  You name, they don't have it.  In fact, stacks of printer paper boxes are being used as tables in the court room.  The lawyers font have anywhere to work, so they operate out of suitcases and one white fold up table outside the courtroom.  Keep in mind that we have wet season here where there are constant monsoons.  Cant wait til they send me out to court in the wet.

Anyway, court here is a shit show.  Most people are being arrested for things such as assault, driving unlicensed, possession of cannabis, etc.  Also lots of domestic violence.  You gotta kind of wonder, when you are living hundreds of miles from any other communities, who really cares if you dont have a license or you are smoking cannabis?  But thats the law and if you break it you are brought to this fucked up court.  I dont want to get into too much of the rest, but just imagine total chaos of people who don't really speak English being brought into court all day and then trying to grasp their punishment.  UGHH.

I was happy to get home, but I know this is just the beginning for me going out bush.  Honestly, I feel slightly inspired by the situation and maybe it's a problem I can help tackle.  Already I have been asked to write a formal report on my observations, which I did, but I am reluctant to share it.  I feel like that white person who sits in an office all day and then comes out with my "recommendations."  I dont want to be that person.  Perhaps after a few more times, I will feel more comfortable sharing my thoughts.

Enough about that, back to stupid shit!  Since I am a chunkaaa and I am bored, I have decided to start a new fad diet which will likely commence Sunday or Monday (whenever I finish eating all the chicken I cooked today, lol).  I semi-considered revisiting the master cleanse, but then I read reviews of people who did it, and it brought back bad memories.  So now I am going to try a raw diet this week.  LOL, it's already funny.  No cooked food at all.  Well, maybe hard boiled eggs for a little protein.  I am going to start with 5 days and see what happens.  Carrot sticks, celery, broccoli, etc etc.  I can make it 5 days, some people eat like this all the time!  Uhhh, wine is raw... right??  

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