Sunday, July 15, 2012

Uhhh, what??

Update on the diet.  I just weighed myself.  I lost 5.5 lbs this week.  LOLOLOLOL!  My goal is just 10 lbs!  Idk why this stupid diet is working, but it's a very noticeable difference in my stomach.  One of the biggest changes I made is I always want to snack at work, and I will munch on things like granola bars or rice cakes.  I have replaced those with carrots and celery sticks.  So whenever I just feel like eating something, but I am not actually hungry, I crunch on those.  Also, changed to black coffee, which I actually dont mind.  I always drank black in Korea because it was so gross there was no point in adding milk or sugar, would still be gross. I think these are changes I can actually keep up!  Things I cant keep up are no meats/tofu/cheese, no bread/pasta, and I eliminated booze (yes, WINE) completely.  We know that's not going to last long, lol.  The no cheese was prolly 2 lbs itself.  I also have been really pushing myself in my run, increasing the length of time and frequency of sprints.  Which again is something I can keep up.

Typically I have been eating a smoothie for breakfast with a half banana, small bunch of blueberries, almond milk, fat free greek yogurt, teaspoon of almond butter, and vanilla extract.  Shit is delicious!  I pound it.  Then I will have another piece of fruit, like an orange.  I have something light for lunch, like a tomato avocado wrap on a fat free wrap (which is technically bread, so I am eating a little bread) and maybe an oat bar thing.  Then I snack on the carrots all day.  Dinner is salad with hard boiled eggs or something.  Snack is some nuts.  Not too hard, but def not satisfying.  Will keep posted.  

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