Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Finkle and Einhorn

Diet and visa, visa and diet.  This is pretty much what's going on with me.  I SUCK at the diet.  You should see me creepin around looking for snacks.  Unfort I am coming up empty handed.  I am always hungry!  You know how they say things like hard boiled eggs make you full... not the case!  hahahaha.  Today I weighed .1 kilos more than yesterday, lol.  So whatever that is in lbs, like a 1/4 lb.  I want immediate results!

Visa saga at work continues. Pos it is getting all resolved tomorrow.  I feel like I should just quit my job and go work for the dept of immigration because I am prolly knowledgeable enough at this point.  Everyone person I call directs me to another person!  Oh, have you talked to so in so in the other fucking dept yet?  Uhh, no, but I would love to!  LOL.  This is the last time I am changing countries!!

So Jason may be coming home a week earlier than expected, which is not necessarily good news.  Right now they are saying he cant take time off in August, which would mean no Malaysia trip for him.  Fuckin figures, right?  I already bought the ticket!  Hopefully that changes.

In very good news, my tomato plant has 16 TOMATOES on it right now!  Not cherry tomatoes, but actual tomatoes!  I am in a state of total shock! I am trying not to jinx it, but if I actually get all those tomatoes I will die.  In heaven!

That is it!  bored bored bored.

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