Monday, February 8, 2010

Bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay

Yup, there are 4 dogs in that photo and 2 girls sippin lattes.  That's because it was taken at the dog cafe!  So cool!  I was a little nervous going there that the dogs might be sedated or something, but they were def happy and running anywhere they wanted (there are more pics on my facebook).  They def poo-ed anywhere they wanted too.  One lucky man had the job of following dogs around cleaning up poo poo.  I guess my job isn't that bad.  But then again, he does get to play with dogs...  I counted, there were at least 35 dogs and one fat kitty.  Potentially the coolest thing about Korea thus far.  

Pretty chill weekend.  After the dog cafe we went out to dinner in Hongdae and met some new Korean friends.  They were super friendly and a lot of fun.  They introduced us to somakcol shots -- which is a glass of beer with a shot glass of coke at the bottom, and a shot of soju inside.  We had a great time with them, until the guy dropped his condoms on the floor and Jullia tried to "discretely" draw his attention to it.  He picked them up off the floor, realized what they were, and flung them 5 feet!  He tried to deny they were his and his gf was HORRIFIED.  I think it was a life time of embarrassment for her in 10 seconds.  Apparently you don't point out dropped condoms in Korea.  Good to know!  We left shortly after. 

I FINALLY saw Avatar today.  This time I showed up 3 hours before the movie to get the tickets.  And it sold out, again.  But not before I got mine!  It was great though.  Of course I didn't get to see it on the biggest IMAX screen in Korea though, which was my goal.  That was screen 7, and we got screen 4.  Oh well.  Joining the gym is proving to be just as challenging as seeing the movie!  I tried that 4 times this week with no success.  No one is ever working the desk!  And today, there was someone there, but you can't join on Sundays.  WTF?!  I might just give in and join the more expensive one in my apartment building, this is too much of a pain in the ass.  I get fatter everyday that passes...

Hoping this week goes by quickly.  We are going to a super bowl party after work tomorrow.  The game is on at 8am here, so we will be watching it 12 hours later.  That means no internet for me tomorrow!  Wed we are going on a field trip at school to see some play.  And then the much needed 3 DAY WEEKEND!  

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