Friday, February 19, 2010

Imma buy you a drank

There is no Korean equivalent for the phrase "skeet, skeet."  Shocking, I know.   And disappointing, skeet skeet is one of my fav phrases!  Went out in Sinchon last night with the usual crew.  Another painful day at work!  My coworker Scott and I met Jullia at Beer O'Clock for some food and beers.  Shortly after, 3 Korean friends joined (same ones that stayed out with us really late after super bowl).  The intention was to watch the Olympics, so we got some drinks, drank them, got drunk (T Pain lyric right there!) and decided we were in the mood for some stripper pole action again.  Man, I love that bar with the stripper poles!  It's funny, in the US I would prolly be like, why the fuck are there stripper poles in here, but in Korea I am bout it bout it!  Really fun night!  We drank somaekcol, played darts, danced like crazy, and I ended up in the DJ booth taking over the lap top (yes, I got in trouble for this.  Filipe, the Spanish speaking Korean bartender was like WTF are you doing in there?).   In typical fashion, 2 Korean friends passed out at the bar, and one dude - who we call T Pain bc we can't pronounce his name - was out cold!  Scott had to carry him up the stairs and put him in a cab with the other friends.  Hilarious!  And although there is no word for skeet, I did learn chaesu upda (suck it), shido (I hate you), and domchemb (up your butt).  Overall, a very successful evening/morning.

Today was less enjoyable.  I had a sick hangover, but you can't tell the kids that!  I started to feel better around 4:30; by this time I had taken about 6 tylenol and 3 b12 pills.  I did have a very good laugh when one of my second graders got kicked in the junk during the break before reading class.  I shouldn't have laughed, but I couldn't help it.  He was sitting in a chair when I walked in and yelled, "Alexandra Teacher!  Stephano kicked me here!"  while holding his crotch.  And Stephano was just sitting there laughing his ass off.  Now if only my director would understand that I didn't come to Korea to be a teacher, things would be a lot better.  I keep catching her peeking in the windows of my classroom, checking out what's going on.  She's been extra scary lately, always yelling at the kids for playing and stuff.  They are kids!  They only get a 5 min break between classes, let them be silly.   Two new people are coming on Monday, I think.  We want to plan a norebang night (Korean karaoke), to welcome them.  When I say we, I mean myself and one other person.  We'll see if they're game.

Early night in on this Friday evening.  We were out til 4 last night, then a 10.5 hour day today, so I am pretty wiped out.  Just got back from sushi and going to veg and hit the sack.  I want to do some sight seeing stuff around Seoul tomorrow.  It's supposed to warm up a lot this weekend and I want to take advantage.  Will def take some pics!

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