Saturday, February 6, 2010

If you ain't got no money take ur broke ass home!

Idk if I mentioned that I replaced my camera last week at Digital World.  Digital World basically rocks.  It's a giant, giant Best Buy, but if you pay cash, they bargain with you.  It's awesome.  Best part is that the starting off price is pretty good, then they throw in all these extras, AND slash the price!  The dude even gave me a second battery!  Loving it!  Anyway, bad thing is I am nervous to carry it around with me now.  And I need to be carrying it bc I want to start photographing my food and posting the pics.  So many times I am thinking, damn I wish I had a picture of this.   Pos next week I will take pics of all the stuff I eat regularly (ie most of the 4 squares menu).  Oh!  Breaking news!  4 squares has a real name!  It's Kimbap Heaven!  Kimbap is like Korean sushi, except with no raw fish.  I'm not that into it, but peeps love it.  Typically, it's egg, spam (yes, spam), florescent radish (this is served with everything, will post pic), sesame leave (not good), carrot and some other garbage, rolled in rice and seaweed.  Maybe it would be good sans spam and radish.  I fucking hate the radish.  It's like kimchi, always on your table, only disgusting.  It is FLORESCENT YELLOW.  And it doesn't start out that way.  Can't be healthy. Pics to come this week.  Anyway, the point is, although 4 squares may want to call itself Kimbab Heaven, the rightful name remains 4 squares.

The kids continue to be a constant source of entertainment / WTF moments.  We've started doing something new in preschool thanks to Scott Teacher.  Normally, when the kids are bad, we take stars away from them.  They hate it, but it's only effective with some of them.  The worst kids don't care (funniest thing is the stars don't mean anything!  They just get erased at the end of the day, but they die for stars).  So now when they are bad, we put red dots next to their names, which can't be erased.  They HATE it!  In reality, it means nothing, but they hate seeing the dot.  It's kinda working in the Rainbow class, that combined with threatening to take away computer time.  "If you act like little shit heads, no computer class!"  Always the "if, then."  Ughh, I am always talking about Rainbow, and I don't talk about Sunshine enough.  Sunshine is the class that sings.  I love them, so much.  Sure, they are hard to control and never want to stay in their seat, but they are cute overload oh fo sho!  They are so happy!  They never fight, they hardly ever cry, and they have the best personalities. The girls are always decked out with huge bows in their hair and poofy skirts while the boys wear polo and sweater vests with bowties.  Not one kid has a perm in this class!  (have I mentioned the perms before?  Please comment/email me and let me know.  It's post-worthy if I've missed it).  I always save 5-10 minutes at the end of this class for dancing.  I really need to tape it.  These kids have moves!  Last week we learned the twist, they love twisting and some of them can really move their hips!  This week was the YMCA, which is so funny bc they have no clue what the Y is, but they LOVE the dance.  One kid has this cowboy lasso move he does while swinging his hips that makes me die laughing.  He knows I love it, so he does it every time he sees me.  I NEED to get that on tape.  Also, my fav kinder class (yeah, I have favorites, so what?) does a dance to "Yellow Submarine" which involves sliding on the floor, I guess like a submarine.  It's hilarious.  My job is to stand on the edge of their dancing circle so they can high five me as they go around.  Oh boy!

As promised, I have more essays.  Charles was a big hit last week, and I don't think these will live up to his caliber as an author, but they are still amusing.  Writing journals are due on Monday, so more goodness awaits!

Topic:  Think about a time when you forgot something important.  What did you forget?  What happened?  Write about what happened first, next, and last.

First: I go to school.  And friend show the piece of pictre.  And I thought piece of papor is my home, next: I find and find but I didn't find a piece of pictre.  It must be here.  Iast, I give up for find pice of picter.  But my ohtor friend give my piece of papor.  I think it is amigaize.  And I show piece of pictre.

WTF?  Does anyone understand what it is he lost?!

Jason (same topic):
I'm say my grandfa.
"Can you record TV?" he said ok. next I'm happy so much, I want tv record good.  The TV record is nice!
I want to see the TV tonight.

Worst part about Jason's is I gave it back to him twice and told him to write more!  This is the 3rd edition of this story!  Ay ay ay!  How do I grade these?

In other news, Jullia and I booked a last minute trip to Tokyo for a week from tomorrow (long weekend for the Lunar New Year).  HOLLA TOKYO!

1 comment:

  1. DongHa has clearly lost a picture that a classmate drew for DongHa of his house. But then someone found it so he shared it in "show & tell." Duh.
