Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil

It's Groundhog Day, and of course that little fucker saw his shadow!  Not sure what kind of effect a Pennsylvanian rodent has on weather in SoKo (also known as the RoK for Republic of Korea), but I am pissed nonetheless.  The temps dropped majorly today, so I blame Phil.  I also blame Bill Murray and his Groundhog Day movie, where everyday is the same bad day.  That is how I feel at school!  Everyday it's the same shit.  Drama, drama, drama.  Today we had a meeting with the director about the Rainbow class (the bad class).  Basically she told us they are too out of control and we need to break up more fights before they start.  Also, they need to stop acting like wild beasts in the hallways before and after lunch.  Ughh, I usually teach them before lunch, so now I am responsible for getting them to act human before they eat.  One of the other teachers suggested I tell them if they don't behave, they don't get to eat.  LOL.  I have become the master of threatening kids and the "if, then" situation.  "If you don't stop talking, I am taking away 5 points and writing a note to your mother,"  "If you burp again, you are being sent to sit alone in the library,"  "If I hear one more person quack, I am erasing all your stars."  And on, and on.  Bribing works as well as threatening, "If you want to watch the Happy Feet dance, then you have to finish 3 workbook pages."  It never stops.  So, we'll see how tomorrow goes and my newest threat, "If you don't sit in your seat and wait to be called to line up, go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and get out your placemat without getting into any fights (sigh)... you don't get food."

Anyway, my real reason for posting is this amazing essay written by Charles in first grade.  Charles actually speaks English well, but clearly doesn't give a fuck about his journal and just writes any old thang.

Topic:  Write a letter to the mayor of your city.  Tell him/her what you like about your neighborhood and what you would like to change.

Dear neighborhood
Nice to meet you.  We can't tease ity.  We need to gather money speedy and help ity.  We need to have enough money and, put on the pitcher.  Next we need to wait untill it rumble on ity.  And when it's finished, raise up the pitcher.  The delivery will bring it to ity.  Then if it is finished again, we need to march.  And we need to tell when they are on market, tell what is more tastier.  last, when it's done, we can do anything.  But don't be pokey!

I want to write on his paper: "Charles, WTF are you saying?!"  There's more good writing to come later this week, I am sure!  It's level test on Wed and Thurs, meaning the kids have to test to see what class they are placed in in March.  That means a whole lot of new essays they have to write on the spot.  They are sure to be interesting.

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