Thursday, December 8, 2011

How robust are you?

I just had a job interview.  One of the interviewers - and a potential boss of mine - asked the question, "How robust are you?"  I was like, uhh, what do you mean?  He says you have moved around a lot, you've lived in other countries, how robust do you think you are?  All that's going through my head was robust, as is in "this cup of coffee is quite robust." Am I like coffee? Then I am thinking, is he calling me big, full-bodied?  I had no idea how to answer him!  I babbled on and on something about understanding working relationships and not taking things personally, etc, but I had no idea what he wanted me to say.   With time to think about it, I realize he was asking me if I was strong-willed (or at least I think), but seriously, wtf kind of question is that?? Yes, I am robust!  Should I have said that?  Then he says, I like to ask questions you are sometimes not prepared for so you can't give a scripted answer.  Uhh, what?  Then he wouldn't drop it, robust this and robust that.  Ughh!  


  1. I am thinking about a robust glass of wine now. Nice tannins.

  2. Any chance it was an Australian thing? Like maybe "robust" is a more commonly used word? It's a clever idea for an interviewer, I can see why he did it. Just not sure that's the word or question I would have gone with.

  3. Idk, I asked Jason if people commonly use that word, and he said not really. Jason assumed he was asking me if I was flexible in the work environment. But the guy was British, so who knows what the hell he was talking about!
