Wednesday, December 7, 2011


First off, an update on the ants.  Ants are still in control.  I battle them constantly, but they always come back for more.  I am no match.  I don't think they will be satisfied until they have infiltrated every item in the cupboards.  And they can get into some tupperwares now, which we knew was inevitable.  I worry about when we all leave for Christmas for 4 weeks.  The ants are going to completely take over.  I keep picturing walking through the door and there is a giant ant sitting on the couch watching tv, AHHHHH!

Christmas tree shopping in Darwin was interesting.  Have I mentioned this place blows?  When it comes to shopping of any kind, unless it's like construction equipment etc, there's not much of a selection.  Can you believe there isn't a single department store?  And I already mentioned no Christmas store, so you are forced to get your Christmas shit at one of about 3 places: Big W (ahem, think WALMART - copycatters - so you know there's quality shit there...), K-Mart (even worse), or Target (apparently not the same company as our Target, definitely shittier, but the best of the 3).  I looked everywhere for a better holiday selection than these junk shops, but was disappointed.  I even went to flower shops - which are loaded with more silk flowers than actual flowers...  Anyway, we got a 4ft tree from Big W, it's fiber optic plus we put additional lights on it.  The way the lights work here is insane, super complicated.  You need this "starter kit" and then you get extenders, so weird.  Obvs they were sold out of like everything, so we ended up with purple lights on our tree -- oh and 200 lights is about 12$.  Seriously?  Tree toppers were impossible to find (searched for 2 days), so the tree is topped with a koala I tied to the top.  And no tree skirt, apparently these things don't exist.   I think everyone and their mothers has posted a pic of their tree on FB this week, but I guarantee there are no trees quite like this one! I wanted to make a cranberry popcorn garland, but obvs couldn't because then the tree would become Ants' Village (instead of Santa's Village, get it??).  But it is beautiful nonetheless, pics to come!

Finally, today I am learning how to drive!  YIKES!  I got my Australian driver's license this week, but I haven't actually been behind the wheel yet.  I will admit, I am terrified.  Even just riding passenger, I am constantly reminding myself "left side of the road, stay on the left side of the road."  It prolly wouldn't be so hard for most people, but I am a nervous driver as it is, so this is major scary for me.  Even worse is the car I will be driving after Christmas is a -cough- Ford Fiesta (don't laugh too hard!), and it's a stick.  I don't drive stick!  So, yeah, I feel like I am 16 again :-\ 

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