Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stage 5 Clingers

Wouldn't you think kids who love to give hugs would be cute?  I am seriously being hugged all day long.  I love the hugs, it's when they won't let go that I get annoyed. They are the worst clingers!!  And it's not unusual to have 5 kids hugging me at once.  Then I can't move...and some of them tackle.  After 'sit down' and 'be quiet,' the most common phrase I say throughout the day might be 'get off of me!'  Although, today was hilarious.  I ran out of copies of some stupid ass thing they were doing in preschool.  So I went to the copy machine with 2 little followers/clingers.  There was a left over birthday cake next to the copier, which I didn't know about or wouldn't have brought the kids.  They stare at the cake for a couple seconds, then start poking it a little to try the frosting.  All of a sudden, one of the kids just plants his face in it and starts chowing!  It was the funniest thing I have seen.  He looked up and was so happy!  I tried to yell at him, but I was dying laughing.  I was happy he did it, it gave me such a good laugh!  I kinda shuffled him back to the classroom so he wouldn't get in trouble.  Too cute!

I told a lot of people before coming here that my biggest fear teaching little kids was that they would cry.  I thought they would cry sometimes.  Nope, I don't think I have had a day without at least one crier.  They cry all the fucking time!  I don't even know what the fuck they are crying over!  The stupidest shit makes them flip out.  Yesterday, some kid had a full fledge spasm because I told him he needed to write more in his workbook.  I thought he was dying or something.  I was like, are you crying over the fucking workbook, and he's like yes!  The Queen Bitch was crying today.  I might have mentioned her before, she's in the bad preschool, and is catalyst for a lot of the problems.  How it is possible for a 6 year old child to be so manipulative and vindictive, I do not know.  I love when she cries, because it means she is not getting her way for once.  She causes fights in the classroom, she isolates kids and gets the others to pick on them all day long, and is just straight up nasty.  She is always making kids cry, so I love when she has a tantrum.  Her birthday was this week and she came in with brand new highlites and a perm on Monday.  She is 6!!!  I refused to acknowledge it.  That is another thing, these kids are beyond spoiled.  The girls come in all the time dressed as princesses, wearing tu-tus and crowns.  Many of them have highlited hair, and the boys all have perms!!  It's ridiculous.  Several of the preschool boys rock the permed hair / skinny jeans (and I mean skinny) / Burberry shirt look.  They look like they just walked out of a Korean boy band music video.  They are generally the brattiest and worst behaved.

I was busted today for stealing school lunch. Caught red handed with chopsticks.  Here's the thing.  We can get the lunch for $15 a week, but it sucks 3-4 of the days.  It's taken right out of our paychecks, so whether you eat or not, you are still charged.  Maybe the biggest problem is it is catered and gets delivered at 9am and we eat at 12pm, so it's ice cold.  Normally when it's good, I stroll by, quickly fill a bowl, and scurry into the office to mow it down.  I pulled my move today, and got nabbed!  15 mins later, the academic coordinator said, "the director wants to know if you have decided to join the lunch program."  Give me a break!  I just want some samples!  I can't commit to eating random spongy fish/octopus medley 5 days a week.  Not when there is a 4 Squares 2 blocks over!

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