Tuesday, March 13, 2012

batten down the hatches!

Last week I was bitching incessantly about the ants.  If I spoke to you, I probably somehow managed to work the ants into the conversation.  One woman at work said to me "Ants going crazy?  Means a cyclone's brewin'."  I was like ok crazy lady.  We haven't had a cyclone all year (btw, cyclone is known as hurricane at home) and wouldn't the weather people be telling us if there was a cyclone? Well, today I was sent home from work at 12:30 because a cyclone is hitting Darwin.  Unlike hurricanes, we don't get advanced warning here because they literally form right off the coast.  Yesterday there was about a 50% chance a cyclone was forming -- something about the highs and lows -- and today it's here!  Well, so far just rain.  Can ants predict weather??

So I got sent home from work, walked home just before the rain started and managed to move my plants to safety -- have to take care of what's important.  Last week it rained so hard it knocked every leaf off my chili pepper plants, now they are just sticks. It's really trial and error here with the plants.  I dont get why I am so bad at gardening.  I love my plants a lot, but I would say only 50% love me back.  

Now I am just chillin on the couch, what to do, what to do...

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