Saturday, March 3, 2012

hello? is it me you're looking for

It's Saturday night.  I am fully stocked with snacks (cheese, crackers, hummus I made) and wine was buy one get one free, so I have 2 bottles.  And I am home alone because I have not one single friend to come over and sit on the couch talking shit or have a dance party :-(  WEHHHHHHHH!!!  weh weh WEH!!!  However, before you offer suggestions on how I should go about friend-making, I will say this.  My heart is just not in it.  I am sick of moving and "putting myself out there."  As an adult, I have made some really great, great friends.  I want those friends, not new ones.  I know Darwin is short term and I am moving again in less than 2 years.  So what's the point?  Well, I guess I should stop whining then.  wehh

But as it turns out, I dont really have a choice.  The 3 months of solitude is approaching (btw -- good news, it will be 3 months minus 2 weeks in the middle).  Maybe I need just one friend.  It is so much easier to meet other people when you are not rolling solo all the time.  If I have just one friend, they might know people and I will have several friends!  It could happen...are there people like me in Darwin???

Big news going on is some camper is missing so they are searching the bodies of crocs to see if he got eaten, lol.  Also some dumbass at the wildlife park was up in the lion cage scratching the lion and he got fucked up.  HAHAHA, lion was not having it!  Argh, and there is a gecko in my room right now and I dont know how to get it out, but I dont want to sleep in there with it running around!!!!  omg!

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