Thursday, March 15, 2012

You know youre a chunkaaa when

you start eating the food before even removing it from the microwave!  Chunkaaa just snagged a chicken wing right off the plate still in the microwave.  Speaking of chunkaaa, I was whining to peeps in other office today how I don't know anyone in Darwin (they are all in south australia).  One dude says, "When I lived in Darwin, I met all my friends at the Darwin Cross Fit." Me: "No way." Him: "You should really try it, I wasnt good at it at first either...and I still can't do a handstand push up, but it is fun and the people are nice."  Me: "I want to just join regular gym."  Him:  "My wife is coming there on Tuesday, she will take you to cross fit."

Ahhhhh!!  I dont want to go!!  Leave me alone!  Lil chunkaaas dont belong at xfit.  Besides, it's way too expensive - $150 a month, which I honestly cant afford.  Regular gym is $40 a month, more in my budget.  Jeez, effing crossfit is the last thing I feel like doing!

Yesterday was an overall crazy day for me that left my head spinning.  At 9am my phone rang, it's gov job.  "Hi, you got the job.  Even though it's been since December, we need you right away...  when can you start?"  Uhhhhh..idk I have to tell my boss and get back to you.  "Ok, please come in to the office as soon as you can."    I tell my boss, she is a little panicked and asks me to stay til the 26th.  She had been planning on me not getting the job, I think.  This Monday was supposed to be the "we need to know if youre staying" talk.  12:45 phone rings again, but I miss the call.  It's a cell phone, but I don't recognize the number.  It's "robust" job!  Wtf could he want.  Call him back, he says they have new positions opening up and would like to offer me a marketing role.  WTFFFFFF??  Only catch is it is a serious (18 months of training before promotion) commitment to living in Darwin.  And not in my field....  I pass and say wtf is going on?  Back in Dec, I couldnt even get temp agencies to call me, now I have 3 job offers.  THEN a mishap with my paycheck ended with 60% of weekly earnings going to taxes...major ouchie!

Obvs I accepted gov job as it is the most interesting and in my field. I went in today and met with my boss.  He gave me a STACK of reading to catch up on before I start.  Homework!  But I am excited :)  I will spend a lot of my time going to court, as I am working with a legal services team.  However... I sit in a square and directly opposite me is my boss :-/  Are the days of gchat and recipe searching over???

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