Friday, March 23, 2012


Just a brief update on several issues.  First and foremost, it has now been 2 weeks since an ant has been sighted in the apartment.  I am talking not one single ant.  I am shocked.  When we bombed the house, I thought it would be a couple days before they were back, but no ants since.  The ants continue to amaze me, lol.

Gas prices are insane here and it now costs $60 to fill up the FIESTA.  OMG, Fiesta has the smallest tank known to mankind.  It is like $6.20 a gallon here.  Good thing I don't go anywhere!!

Lastly, I start my new job on Monday.  I just did 2 hours of boring-ass reading, and I have more to do.  I told old job I was taking cappuccino machine with me as a bonus when I left -- they were like WTF are you talking about.  One guy just responded with, "WHY?"  Because I want it, bitch!  Word is you have to PAY for caps at new place, wtf?  I want that shit free!

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