Friday, March 9, 2012

A to the N to the T to the S

So it's been a while since I have talked about the ants.  You might be thinking, "I wonder what is happening with Al and her ant problem," because I am sure that is what you sit at home and think about.  Well, if this has been weighing on your mind, let me fill you in.  Ants are out of fucking control!!! Tomorrow it comes down to chemical warfare, the day we have all been dreading.

I had put the borax sugar mix out a few weeks ago when they were attacking the drawers.  This mix seemed to get rid of drawer ants, but had no effect on ants in other areas, leading me to believe they were from separate colonies.  After drawer ants were gone, no one was touching big poison pile, so I moved it closer to another ant "hot spot" behind the stove.  Ants are eating that shit up, but at the same time, they have now established a path that runs from my hallway into the untidy upstairs neighbor place.  They are clearly running their crumbs from upstairs to the nest, which must be below our floor/outside.  At random times I have been finding them in my room too, particularly if I leave my laptop on the floor.  I told my co-worker about it and she totally freaked me out.  Apparently her mom had the same problem and then one day her comp stopped working -- turns out ants ate the wiring and shit never turned on again!  Obvs I am freaked!  Last night I took lap top apart and looks like all is good there, but I did some google research and this is a real thing!  Ants like to eat wires!  They have a history of destroying comps.

This morning, I was getting dressed when I noticed ants in my bedroom closet.  What the fucking fuck?  They have never been there before!  I wiped them away and thought, why the fuck would they be in here.  It's clothes only, no food/chunka snacks or anything.  It didnt take much investigation to discover they were eating Jason's leather belt which was hanging in the corner!  Now this is a belt that matches a suit which he hasnt worn for months!  There's no food on this belt, they are actually going for the leather.  I was ready to leave for work, so I washed it in the sink and left.  Come home 8 hours later, belt is covered!  AFTER I WASHED IT!  Now they are just everywhere.  In tupperwares, sealed packages, etc.  So tomorrow, we bomb.  And we will complain to the landlord, but what can you really do when you live in an apt complex??  in darwin!  is there any escaping the ANTS?!?!?!

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