Monday, March 12, 2012


Ack!  Someone tell me why I am on this Pinterest?!  I dont need to know that "pizza pancakes" or "jalapeno popper grilled cheese sandwiches" exist!  I am getting fatter just looking at this thing.  And every kind of "cupcake" you can ever imagine -- chix pot pie...cupcake!  lasagna...cupcake!  And as if eating cadbury creme eggs isnt chunkaaa-ish enough, there is a recipe on there to bake one into the center of a cupcake and then frost it.  OMGChunka!  

Anyway, I have been staring at that shit for about an hour now.   Mostly all it does it make me upset that I cant eat any of these foods, then I will stumble upon something likea stupid quinoia burger print that...I am sure it's just as good as a lasagna cupcake, lol mmm lasagna!  Ok, enough!

More talk of food, I have compiled a list of Darwin restaurants I wish to dine in.  These are all the hot spots, lol.  I crossed one off the list this weekend.  It was a Japanese/sushi restaurant.  Now, Japanese and Mexican are tied for my fav food genres, and we already know how the Darwin Mexican turned out.  Japanese was better, but not by much.  No, I take it back, it was just as bad, but a little cheaper.  There are 2 sushi restaurants around that I know about.  One is in the mall...  we are not talking the Century City food court here either.  It's next to the Big W (Walmart), which pretty much sums that up -- I sound snobby, but that's no surprise.  Anyway, that place is wildly popular, always crowded.  It's a "sushi train" which, believe me, sounds way cooler than it is.  You sit at the sushi bar, only they are not making the food directly in front of  you like other sushi bars.  Instead it's traveling by you on a conveyor belt, aka "train."  It reminds me so much of a hospital cafeteria and I expect to see jello going by.  Basically, every color plate is a different price.  You grab what you want right off the train, and at the end they count up your red, yellow, and blue plates.  Horrifying, right?  AND the sushi looks nasty!  They have shit like "chicken roll" and "chili beef roll."  WTF is that???  Sounds like a nacho!  I dont want to eat that shit!  

Despite my better judgement and knowledge of Darwin, I psyched myself up to eat at the not-in-the-mall sushi restaurant in the city.  I knew they had that dumb ass train, but not being in the mall gave it an automatic advantage in my mind.  I was wrong :(  When we walked in, I was immediately put off by the mere presence of the train!  Trying to be open minded (lol, you know this is not my strength) I offered to sit at the sushi train, but Jason could sense my unsettledness and chose a table.  We ordered tuna sashimi and tempura veggies to start, with a beer and sake of course.  Sake was a small bottle for $10 and sooooo gross!  Tasted like ass.  Then the sashimi came and much to my dismay, despite not being seated at the train, they still just grabbed it off the train and gave it to me.  Plus it was salmon, not tuna.  THEN tempura came which was stuck together onion rings and carrot.  UGHHH -- I won't go on, this meal did not improve.  Just strengthens my thought that I should not go out to eat!  

In other news, no ants today, not one sighting.  And mini eggs are gone --- they, uhh, just disappeared...
Also, cyclone is brewing off the coast, which is esp bad because we have one vehicle right now and I walk to work.  Walk to work in the cyclone????

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