Saturday, May 5, 2012

Doing big things

I feel hungover this morning.  Why, did you go out last night?  Lol, of course not!  I came home from the gym around 6 and I felt pretty tired, so I took a long shower and then watched some one hour show about sea otters - lol.  Then I watched Law and Order. At 9, there was an "episode" of jersey shore on.  I never get to watch trash tv anymore (I have free tv, so only like 10 channels and def not enough trash- not one Housewives is on).  I said ok, I will watch this one episode and then I will go to bed, obvs I need a glass of wine for this.  Thursday, I dropped my watch off to be repaired and that is my excuse of how I lost track of time and drank too much wine...  apparently they edit JS to be one long episode because it never stopped and was 3.5 hours long!  Ack!  About half way through I realized it seemed really long and kept waiting for it to finish but it never did!  Finally I gave up and went to midnight. Now I dont feel good.  

Speaking of all that is wrong with the world, who has seen the "real life barbie?"  I guess they have been talking about her on Good Morning America etc.  If you havent seen her, here's her photos:  Omg!  She really looks like barbie!  She freaks me out for sure... she says she achieved  her look with a raw diet and abstaining from alcohol and that she hasnt had any plastic surgery.  HA!!  Ok!  

It is a long weekend here (again!).  Since Jason has been gone, we have had a long weekend every other week!  Totally sucks!  I am not doing anything really but staying in to save money and reflecting on my electricity bill.  Actually, I am also this close to achieving my goal of seeing every Will Smith movie -- I know, I reach for the stars.  Today I have Wild Wild West, I never saw it!  Last week I watched Enemy of the State (excellent) and I am Legend (not my fav).  I have to see Hancock and the Men in Blacks and I will be done!  LOLOLOLOLOL.  This is my life!  Also, I am reading 1984 because I might be the only person on the planet who didnt have to read it in high school and obvs will be practicing my Chinese.  So a big weekend overall.  

1 comment:

  1. Wild Wild West the movie is def not as good as the song!!! Wicky Wicky Wild Wild West :-)
