Thursday, May 17, 2012

something good!

Brace yourself...   I am about to say something positive about Darwin.  The dry season is very nice!!  "Winter" here is like a southern California summer!  It is nice everyday.  Sky is blue, not raining, no humidity, slight breeze, still hot during the day, but not unbearable.  Best of all, I can take my lunch down to the harbor and eat outside now.  I bring my book (still 50 shades of grey barf...def not continuing this series and only still reading bc it was $19) or much better, my Mandarin, and chill out for an hour.  Loving it!

I made a new years resolution to myself today (pos we will call it almost half way through the year resolution).  I am going to stop being so ugly.  I took the first step today and scheduled a hair cut for Saturday.  After the hair cut, I am going to wake up 15 mins earlier each day to actually style my hair in the mornings.  Maaaaaybe I will start wearing make up to work, but probs not. Make up is so expensive here (talking $20+ for Maybelline), I dont want to waste it for work!  But just the hair will help -- not a total betty, but a vast improvement.  Maybe I can even get it colored some time soon!  Anyway, thats as far as the plan goes.  Beauty is costly and I am on a budget!  And I am hungry.

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