Wednesday, May 2, 2012

fucking fuck!

The electric bill came today.  I have been dreading this day.  You pay quarterly, which I am not a fan of.  I would rather just pay every month than have to shell out this huge chunk of cash.  In January, the bill was $550, which was obvs insane.  But at that time, I wasnt working and was home a lot of the day, lights on,a/c, etc.  Plus the guys have to do laundry basically everyday because they clean their uniforms.

This time, we were much more conscious of the air conditioners, lights etc.  Plus Lee (roommate) has been gone since mid Feb, so the A/C in his room wasnt on at all.  Also, the main unit was broken for a month, so we suffered in sweat.  Anyway, you can prolly see where I am going with this...I really thought we had lowered the bill and I almost had a fucking heart attack when I opened the it and saw $844!!!!  WHAT THE FUCK!  Obvs I  was immediately on the phone, but since the bill is not in my name, they are not "authorized to discuss" it with me.  Am I paying the electric bill for the entire building?!??!!  I dont know what to do.  Worst of all, Lee wasnt here, so all this alleged electricity was used by just 2 of us?  EVEN WORSE, Jason is not here, so guess who is forking this out!  I told the power company I need more time to pay, and they said since the bill is not in my name, they "cannot authorize that" either.  Fuck.  I did the math, it costs $9.07 a day for electricity in the Michie Ct.  I have 2 weeks to pay. The power company says, if you can just call Lee and have him call us to authorize you on the account, we can discuss the bill with you.  He is in the fucking bush!  Oh, well, if he is in the army and travels a lot, he shouldnt be the account holder... thanks for the tip.

EVEN WORSE YET, power costs are supposed to increase significantly in July when a new carbon tax is implemented.  My next bill will prolly be $1200!

DONT EVER MOVE TO AUSTRALIA!  They rapin everybody out here!

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